Racing data content, software pioneer Michael Pizzolla dies

Horse Racing Nation
Racing data content, software pioneer Michael Pizzolla dies

Michael Pizzolla, the horse-racing entrepreneur who founded Post Time Solutions and created Black Magic handicapping software, died earlier this week, according to an email from Post Time Daily.

"It is with the deepest regret that I inform you all of the passing of our teacher, our mentor and our dear friend, the inimitable Michael J. Pizzolla," Craig Micallef says in the email. "Though he had warned of health issues earlier this summer, this news has been a terrible shock to those near him, as I'm sure it is to all of you. I would humbly ask that we all keep Michael, his wife Kim, his mother Rose and brother Anthony in our thoughts and prayers."

Pizzolla was more than a horse-racing businessman. He was a dedicated handicapper who thrived on sharing his thoughts via what he called "rants" as well as serving as a mentor to countless handicappers who learned from how he processed data and handicapped horse races.

"His teaching and theory shaped the way I looked at racing/betting," accomplished player and former Horse Racing Nation executive Garrett Skiba said on X. "He won't get the credit he deserves in racing circles but was someone I am grateful to have learned from."

"So sad to hear of the passing of Michael Pizzolla," Greg Gerard said on X. "What a tremendous passion he had for horse racing and handicapping that he conveyed through his big race-day handicapping rants videos."

Micallef said in his email to Post Time Daily

"More will be said in the days ahead, but please know Michael's wish was for this community he built to continue on, long after he had gone," Micallef said. "We have lost the irreplaceable, so it is up to us to carry the torch he has lit, fueled by the wisdom he has imparted to us."