Racing needs Jamie Kah back: It's not the same without her
Racing needs Jamie Kah back: It's not the same without her

Jamie Kah remains on the sidelines.

Every Thursday, News Corp Australia's editorial director of racing and wagering Matt Williams and senior racing writer Ben Dorries chat all things horse racing.

Double Trouble: Matty (left) and Benny (right).

MW: John ‘Singo' Singleton commented in a story of yours that people have worked out Joe Pride is a great trainer. I'll take it a step further. Is Joe actually the best trainer in Australia? The likes of Chris Waller, Maher/Eustace and James Cummings have the weight of numbers behind them but what Joe's done with some of his star horses (Eduardo, Think About It, Private Eye, Mariamia to name a few) over the past few years is quite incredible. I'm not saying he's the best but you'd be a brave person to say he wouldn't have similar success to Waller, Maher/Eustace and Cummings if he had the same number of horses and facilities at his disposal. He's clearly an incredible horseman.

BD: I'd also put Tony Gollan in that category. We might be talking about Brisbane but it's an unbelievable achievement to win 10 city training premierships in a row. Ciaron Maher's training partner, Dave Eustace, is certainly a trainer on the rise. There was talk he was approached by Hong Kong at one stage and now there's some chatter which has linked him to Godolphin. It could all be complete rubbish. We'll have to watch this space on that one …

Trainer Joe Pride.

MW: I had a laugh when I saw the four-day British Open golf championship had a total purse of A$24.5m yet we have a 68-second horse race in Australia — The Everest — worth $20m this year! The winner, Brian Harman, took home A$4.5m prizemoney while the winner of The Everest takes home $7m for its owners and slotholders. It's staggering really and underscores the size and strength of horse racing in Australia.

BD: It was fabulous to see Ricky Ponting win the golf — there's nothing that bloke can't do! It's terrific that many of Australia's high-end races are getting richer and richer but I also hope the country areas aren't forgotten and there's increasing amounts of moolah flowing in that direction. Grassroots racing is the lifeblood of the sport.

Jamie Kah after winning the Black Caviar Lightning on Coolangatta.

MW: Blake Shinn had a cracking season to claim the Melbourne jockeys' premiership but Jamie Kah would've bolted in had she not been out injured for the past four months. She's got a couple of big hurdles (personal and health) to clear as we await her comeback but racing needs Jamie back ASAP. No matter what anyone says, racing is a much more appealing sport with Jamie Kah competing in it. To have her riding during the spring carnival would add a compelling narrative. While we're talking about star jockeys on the sidelines, the same goes for Tommy Berry. It'll be great to have him back race riding in late September. Like Jamie, racing's better with Tommy in it. Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them, cop your punishment and grow as a person.

BD: There's some chance Kah will be back riding before the Victorian Racing Tribunal decides her fate over the alleged white powder scandal. I'm all for second chances (and sometimes third but not fourth) in sport. Hopefully when she returns, Kah will forever be in the headlines for the right reasons and not for stuff like the latest drama or the Airbnb saga. She commands a powerful presence in racing and has plenty of youngsters looking up to her.

In-form apprentice Carleen Hefel.

MW: The rise of the apprentices in the extremely competitive Sydney and Melbourne markets has been one of the highlights of the season for me. To see the likes of Dylan Gibbons, Zac Lloyd, Tyler Schiller, Carleen Hefel and Celine Gaudray climb up the ranks bodes well for the future of our game.

BD: Absolutely but you're very southern centric aren't you? We'll have to lock the border gates in Queensland to keep you out. You've forgotten the Sunshine State's star apprentice Angela Jones who has ridden more city winners this season than any of those other junior riders you just listed. Ange, who originally hails from country Charters Towers, is a great talent and an improving rider. Ange and her now fiancee Kyle Wilson-Taylor will be a formidable force in Australia's jockey ranks for decades to come.

MW: Apologies, Queenslanders, I know you're not parochial. Just checking, though, did you mention Tony Gollan earlier? It's now only three weeks — that's right — three weeks until the first Group 1 of the season and the official start of the spring carnival. Not that I'm counting but it's only 79 days to The Everest, 86 days to the Caulfield Cup, 93 days to the Cox Plate and 103 days to the Melbourne Cup. Will you be able to sleep given all the excitement?

BD: I've got two young kids, mate. I never sleep anyway. I reckon Rip Van Winkle had it pretty good sleeping for 20 years. I'd take 20 minutes.

MW: Life's too short anyway. Sleeping's cheating.