Racing Victoria open to whip reform after further crackdown by British racing

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Racing Victoria open to whip reform after further crackdown by British racing

Racing Victoria open to whip reform after further crackdown by British racing. The total number of strikes allowed in a race is the next frontier of Victorian whip rules. Victoria has the toughest whip laws and penalties in Australia. British Horseracing Authority confirmed a revised set of rules and penalty starting in February next year. The threshold for whip strikes in British races remains at seven in flat races and eight in jumps.

Racing Victoria will consider changes to the whip rule. Integrity boss Jamie Stier supports changes in Britain. Stierer is against disqualification as a suitable whip penalty or deterrent. He believes there needs to be a national discussion on whip reform. He is not supportive of disqualifying horses. The current whip rules are Australian rules.