Remember that 'awkward' Gladys Berejiklian State of Origin photo? Dominic Perrottet just recreated it

Remember that 'awkward' Gladys Berejiklian State of Origin photo? Dominic Perrottet just recreated it It's been a year since former NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian endowed the internet with a much-mocked - but now arguably beloved photo - ahead of State of Origin One.

In the tweet, Ms Berejiklian stands before a TV wearing a NSW Blues scarf and beanie over her work apparel. In her left hand, that's stiffly at a right angle, she holds an unopened can of Coke Zero.

"Getting ready for Game 1. Go the NSW Blues," the tweet was captioned.

It went viral immediately. The mockery and meme-ing was relentless, with many calling it cringeworthy.

Now it seems the latest state premier Dominic Perrottet is also in on the joke, posting a nearly identical version of himself on Wednesday — the day of game one of the annual interstate rugby league series between the NSW Blues and Queensland Maroons.
Same beanie, same scarf, same office, same caption and the same unopened can of sugar-free soft drink in hand.

The most common reaction from punters? A reluctant concession the little jab was funny.

"Fair play," many users said on Twitter.

"OK this is admittedly slightly funny," said another.

"I hate so much how good this is," chimed another.

"Yeah okay, this is actually pretty funny," one begrudging tweet read.
The memes and edits are already coming in after NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet recreated the 'awkward' photo.Others agreed that the premier had unknowingly created an obligation for all successors from now until forever to create the "s**tpost" every time the State of Origin comes around.

When Ms Berejikliian dropped the photo last year, her silhouette was transposed on various backgrounds, placing her as a punter for a number of other things.

One edit put her in the 'Sims' game, which is widely mocked online for having its characters move in robotic and confusing ways.

Just minutes after the premier tweeted the image, a cutout image of Mr Perrottet with a transparent background was posted to Twitter, ready to be edited on top of other backgrounds. "You're welcome everyone," the user who created it wrote.
As the Blues and Maroons gear up to fight it out in Sydney, Mr Perrottet and Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk have agreed to a customary bet for the series opener.

If Queensland comes out on top, the Sydney Harbour Bridge will be illuminated in maroon. If the Blues win the best-of-three match series, Brisbane’s Story Bridge will be lit up in blue.

"So their bridge is apparently called the Story Bridge," Mr Perrottet told reporters.

"I hadn't heard of it. I had to Google it to make sure it was in Queensland.

"The Harbour Bridge everyone knows - and the Story Bridge versus the Harbour Bridge, it's a little unfair."