Rugby League Q&A: Recruitment high on the agenda as transfer window opens

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Rugby League Q&A: Recruitment high on the agenda as transfer window opens

Hello and welcome to our latest Rugby League Live question and answer session where we take in all your messages relating to rugby league.

Recruitment is inevitably going to be a popular topic this week. May 1st is here and with that, clubs can start negotiating deals, so a lot of the questions are going to relate to that.

We'll give our insights and provide you with all that we know and hopefully discuss other matters going on in the game too.

We'll be hanging around for the next hour or so, so stick around to get answers on a number of topics or perhaps more specifically, players, clubs and their potential options. And if you want to ask a question, head to Twitter and ask @M_Shaw1.

That's all from us

A few transfer tidbits coming on our pages in the next few hours.

Retiring players

I think most of those will retire. But I would expect Chris Hill to carry on.


Sam Walters or Owen Trout. Both would improve them now but be good long-term investments.

Tanginoa to Salford

Absolute nonsense.


They're after a halfback. Have been for a while.

Luke Thompson

Can;t see it. Preference is to stay in the NRL. And when you then consider the salary cap gulf, the odds are stacked against Wigan or any Super League club who want to lure him home.

Cas extentions

I'd heard Turner had received a few tentative enquiries elsewhere only five or six days ago, so I'd be surprised if hes re-signed otherwise that would all be irrelevant.

Kane Evans replacement

If they find someone who would add to them for 2024 and beyond, then yes.

Daryl Clark

I'm still not convinced that will happen. Think there are other alternatives that are more likely. I'm not saying no, but I wouldn't put money on it.

Gale to Wakefield

The answer is both. It's smart because what to Wakefield have to lose? It's a last roll of a dice because if this doesn't work. they're doomed. I don't think Wakefield, or Gale, have anything to lose. He's nothing to prove and ultimately, if they go down, the damage was already done. If it turns around he'll be asking for a statue.

Hull FC

They're busy, that's as much as I can tell you at the minute. I'm not aware of any deals done but they're active. For context, pretty much every club is in that same boat.

May 1st deadlines

The document normally comes out around two weeks after May 1st. So we should know a bit more then.

Hull FC

I think Hull FC are overtaking Castleford for being a part of the most rumours at any one point!

Super League to NRL

Barring the ones we know about (Will Pryce, Kai Pearce-Paul) not that I can think of.

Kai O'Donnell

Like Lachlan Lam, I'm not aware of a contract extension yet. I'd genuinely be surprised if there wasn't some NRL interest.


Not majorly. There's plenty of work behind the scenes at present, as is the case at several clubs. Recruitment wise there's a pecking order and Championship clubs come behind Super League, so there isn't likely to be too much movement on that front for a while.

Rinse and repeat

Genuinely, I don't know. Can't answer that one!

Leeds Rhinos

The spine. But then I keep hearing Ash Handley could be fullback next year, so that would move focus to the wing. The halves will inevitably be a point of focus but decisions relating to Blake Austin and AIdan Sezer will determine that.

Oliver Gildart

That's news to me. I'd say that's a non-starter.


For the sake of Leigh, it's probably a good job I'm not in charge.

To get to the next level I think Leigh need a class half to partner Lachlan Lam. So for me, they need to look at the NRL for that. Who is available? I've not properly looked at the NRL market. But you've got the likes of Anthony Milford & Kodi Nikorima. That's the market at be looking at.

But they will need to free up a quota spot to do that, so I'd be looking at a British middle to make up some space. Sam Walters and Owen Trout would be two good options.

International game

I wish I had the answers. I think the Euros & England/Tonga Tests are good steps and if there are regular alternatives every year that helps.

But it's hard to grow it when there isn't much buy-in from the NRL....

Lachlan Lam

He entered the season off-contract and haven't heard anything to suggest that's changed at this current moment in time.

Salford recruitment

Salford are like a few clubs currently where fingers are in pies, irons are in fires, but nothing of note yet. Of their off-contract players, I think they will largely be retaining the ones they want.

TV deal

I know that's not much of a question, but I take your point! There is a food chain though, that's where the sport is at. I agree it needs to change, that's IMG's job over the next twelve years. But they do need to landa a decent deal this time round, just to build some support among some clubs who are on the fence.

Wakefield France connection

I'm not saying that's not true, I just haven't heard anything that ties in with that.

Castleford recruitment

We'll start with the Tigers. There's going to be a sizeable turnover this year. Cas' focus predominantly seems to be built around revamping their pack based on conversations I've had with people who are close to the situation.

Probably the big piece of news I can provide is that they appear open to moving away from their current overseas recruitment model of signing players already in the OK. The word I've had from a few people down under is they are willing to explore the NRL market again, which opens up possibilities. Whether they find anyone is a different matter of course.


Let's get this show on the road.