Rugby World Cup 2023: Welcome to Australian rugby union’s burning platform

Financial Review
Rugby World Cup 2023: Welcome to Australian rugby union’s burning platform

bout 60 minutes into the Wallabies’ disastrous loss against Wales in the pool stage of the World Cup in late September, a group of Australian super fans gave up supporting their team and turned on the coach.

“Eddie Jones is a w--ker, Eddie Jones is a w--ker,” rang out across the stands of Stade Olympique Lyonnais.

By the time the referee blew the final whistle, effectively sealing the Wallabies’ worst-ever showing in a World Cup, the group was nowhere to be seen. Having paid upwards of $10,000 to tour France and watch rugby, the true believers couldn’t make it to the end of their team’s most important game.

It was an embarrassment for Jones who recently said he had “no doubt” his team would win. It was also a disaster for Rugby Australia chairman Hamish McLennan, who spearheaded the decision to sack coach David Rennie and take a high-stakes gamble on the divisive and caustic Jones.

Jones’ return was meant to be the sugar hit the game desperately needed in this country. Instead, rugby union is embroiled in the same old drama, finger-pointing and deceit. Rugby commentators are repeatedly calling for Jones’ resignation and some have suggested McLennan go with him. “A laughing stock,” is how The Sydney Morning Herald’s Malcolm Knox summed up Rugby Australia in a scathing column this week.

McLennan has been criticised for attending corporate events in the past fortnight and not returning home from France sooner, although he is required to attend SANZAAR meetings and functions throughout the tournament. Wherever your sympathies lie, he finds himself in a difficult position.

All teams go through their patches of poor form – even the mighty All Blacks failed to make a World Cup semi-final in 2007. But there seems to be something particularly malignant about the dark cloud that has enveloped the administration of rugby in this country.

Jones’ loyalty to the cause was questioned after The Herald reported mid-way through the tournament that the highly paid coach had a Zoom interview for the equivalent job in Japan (Jones denies this but well-sourced reports in Australia and overseas say he has taken part in the process). That McLennan and Rugby Australia chief executive Phil Waugh have apparently not sought clarity from Japan has added to the simmering sense of frustration.

Then there’s the significant amounts of money that Jones and the Rugby Australia board are spraying around France. Everything from how much Jones spent on coaches and psychologists to the cost of accommodation for senior rugby executives is now under scrutiny. That the seven-week Rugby World Cup coincided with the abandonment of plans to inject $250 million in private equity into the sport has not helped. Rugby Australia makes a small fraction of what the bigger NRL and AFL generate in revenue each year.

“This is the deepest hole rugby has ever been in,” says former RA boss John O’Neill.

With Jones’ return not the success they had hoped, McLennan and Rugby Australia chief executive Phil Waugh are now sharply focused on their next big play – fixing the structure of the organisation.

Centralising rugby in Australia – a code that still has about 130,000 local participants – is the silver bullet that could resolve the myriad problems facing the game.

“There have been multiple independent reports delivered, all recommending greater centralisation,” McLennan says, with his trademark confidence. “The time is now.”

But, as is often the case with rugby, it isn’t that simple.

The underlying problem

Ask anyone who has worked in Australian rugby over the past two decades and they’ll agree the solution to “fixing” rugby lies in building some form of a national high-performance structure.

The latest attempt to achieve this came in early August, when RA announced the country’s five Super Rugby teams – the NSW Waratahs, Queensland Reds, Canberra Brumbies, Melbourne Rebels and Western Force – will form a new governance model, described as centralisation.

RA, like Cricket Australia, has historically run as a federation. That model requires a governing body to only make changes with the permission of its state clubs, which often leads to a lack of decisiveness caused by self-interest, or differences of opinion.

RA’s model is complicated by other competing interests including SANZAAR, the body that runs international tournaments in the southern hemisphere, and World Rugby.

In simple terms, the newly proposed model gives RA control of high-performance programs that mentally and physically train players to compete at an international level. There is currently no formal agreement between the clubs on how to recruit or contract Australian players and there is no unified approach to strength and conditioning.

Super Rugby coaches aren’t even under obligation to provide data on their players to the national team. If successful, this would all change and be run by RA.

RA believes a national model may be more expensive in the short term but will create long-term efficiencies. Waugh also says it could get the Wallabies and Wallaroos winning again and would provide consistency in the quality of players across Australia. It’s a model that exists in the Republic of Ireland and New Zealand – two countries that progressed further in the Rugby World Cup.

“Alignment will work. In the short term, it will be more expensive for Rugby Australia but with time it will create efficiencies,” he says.

For frustrated fans, centralisation may be the best way to avoid further international humiliation. But for RA and the Super Rugby clubs, it’s a financial imperative.

The rugby body makes most of its money through broadcast deals – its current arrangement, which expires at the end of next year, is with Nine Entertainment Co and its streaming service Stan (Nine owns AFR Weekend and The Sydney Morning Herald). It also makes money from sponsorship, matchday ticket sales, merchandise and corporate hospitality.

RA made a $4.5 million operating loss in the 2021 calendar year on revenue of $98.6 million (down from a $27 million operating loss in 2020). In 2022, it made an $8.2 million profit on revenue of $129.2 million. RA’s next financial report won’t be released until the new year, but the revenue is expected to be hit by the absence of local games due to the World Cup.

Australia is now ranked ninth in the world and its five Super Rugby teams haven’t won a final since 2014. If Australia doesn’t perform, fewer people watch, less money is made from merchandise and ticket sales and the incentive for a television network or sponsors to invest diminishes. This has been RA’s reality for a decade.

The concept of alignment isn’t the problem – everyone agrees change is needed. The issue lies in what exactly RA wants to centralise: coaches and player contracts, or commercial revenue.

Waugh believes taking control of commercial revenue is needed – but not essential – to offset the costs of centralising the high-performance program. If that can’t happen, the funding provided by RA to the clubs could be on the cards.

We’ve got one chance to nail it. But we’re trying to do too much and we are getting distracted.

— David Hanham, Queensland Reds

People inside RA argue the reluctance to give the body financial control has to do with self-interest – they claim senior executives at Super Rugby, who would ultimately have diminished power under the new model, want to keep their jobs.

For their part, some of the club unions don’t trust RA to handle their money properly and are worried about how it will affect the community game and fans. The most vocal critics of plans to take over the commercial part of the clubs are the ACT Brumbies and Queensland Reds. For the ACT Brumbies, the concern is mainly in the lack of detail in the plans.

Brumbies chairman Matt Nobbs told the Herald last month that funding cuts from RA (caused by the latest broadcast deal) were the reason clubs were struggling.

“We are happy to lead the charge [for an aligned high-performance system] and get it sorted,” he said. “For them to turn around say, ‘You have to hand back everything, we will take full control of the Brumbies’ ... is not acceptable.”

There’s an elephant in the room, too – Andrew Forrest, iron ore magnate and billionaire owner of the Western Force. Forrest was in talks about a multimillion-dollar cash injection into RA, so the body will want to take any views about future governance seriously.

Brett Robinson, a former high-performance manager of the Australian Rugby Union, says he is a massive advocate for centralisation. “It’s a no-brainer … but the language needs to be clear,” he says. This is about alignment of high performance – everything else is a distraction. There’s all this pushing and pulling. Everyone needs to give up something to make this work.”

Hunter Fujak, professor of sports management at Deakin University, says there is merit to both sides of the argument.

“For a sport that has been cash-strapped, there’s obviously an economic advantage to try to maximise the efficiencies of your operation,” he says. “A lot of the concerns for the people who are against it really sit around the independence of the commercial side of the business.”

Commercial control is an issue, but clubs are largely supportive of nationalised high-performance coaching. Paul Doorn, CEO of the Waratahs, says the current federated model is “unsustainable”.

“It is critical that any money spent in the game is done strategically, efficiently and effectively,” Doorn says, rejecting assertions by other clubs that the decision of Waratahs to support the new model had to do with financial viability.

David Hanham, CEO of the Queensland Reds, says conversations about controlling commercial revenue and the fate of Jones are a distraction.

“Keep it simple,” he says. “We’ve got an opportunity for reform that’s never been achieved in the history of rugby in Australia, and we’re on the doorstep of a new era. We’ve got one chance to nail it. But we’re trying to do too much and we are getting distracted.”

Rugby politics

What went wrong with Australian rugby can’t be answered in a sentence. It’s a combination of competition from other codes, reduced investment in grassroots, broader macroeconomic rugby factors (such as the deep pockets of France and Japan), and political infighting.

Sliding doors – and similarities in leadership – also haven’t helped. In the decade since the departure of O’Neill in 2012, RA has had four chief executives. With the exception of former RA boss Raelene Castle, the code has been run by men from private schools in Sydney’s east and lower north shore.

Rugby’s domestic competitors – the AFL and NRL – provide the public, sponsors, and corporate partners with more product, entertainment, and exposure. The Rugby World Cup organisers this week even moved the Australian tournament’s scheduling dates because of the AFL and NRL finals.

None of this is new. Former RA executives were warned for years about the potential demise of the sport. As far back as April 2010, Australian rugby administrators were being warned about the risks of decline and its “outdated organisational structure”.

A March 2014 presentation warned opportunities for players were “inextricably linked” to the financial capacity and health of rugby. Further warnings came in 2015 of the “poor alignment between the Australian Rugby Union, Super Rugby and community rugby” with the added impetus to “explore an alternate, more viable model for Australian rugby”. Complacency continued.

“The main byproduct [of a federated model] is that you’ve got national sport boards who often struggle to do things in the national interest of the sport, if it comes at the expense of individual members,” Fujak says.

If RA executives know the problem, and the solution, why has nothing changed. “It’s a fear of the unknown, combined with inherent self-interest and a lack of trust,” O’Neill says.

“Politics is embedded in the federated model. If the federated system remains in place, you cannot have any confidence that the better way of operating would survive the volatility of politics.”

The hiring of Jones and attempts to secure lucrative deals with NRL stars such as Joseph Sua’ali’i have done little to reassure sceptics that the governing body is using money to save the game.

The amount of seemingly expensive events hosted by RA at the Rugby World Cup only exacerbated frustrations. RA is about to announce an independent report into what went wrong at the World Cup, but some rugby sources are sceptical it will lead to change.

For his part, Waugh knows RA has some convincing to do. “Unfortunately, we have never been able to establish the system due to a lack of trust and confidence in the governing body, and a perceived loss of control locally,” Waugh says. “We still have an enormous amount of ground to make up … I’m committed to achieving that with my team at Rugby Australia.”

But others, like O’Neill, think now is the time to put everything on the table. “To have a realistic chance of clawing its way out of it, you need a comprehensive, independent review of everything within rugby, on field and off field together,” O’Neill says.

“However, it seems that’s not going to happen. If it’s just a review of this World Cup performance, then that’s a wasted opportunity and immensely regrettable.”

McLennan will point to his securing of the World Cup rights, a broadcast deal with Nine, the unanimous agreement of Super Rugby to change rugby’s structure  and securing Sua’ali’i as examples of success.

McLennan the businessman knows how to make a deal. But to totally re-engineer Australian rugby, he might well need to put his own job up to persuade everyone involved to close the deal.

Actual success will lie in resolving the overarching major issue – Australia is heading into rugby’s golden decade, and they can barely win a game.

Jones told the Herald on Friday he “took a gamble” at the World Cup. And while he continues to deny rumours of a move to Japan, he said he would only commit to Australia long term if organisational change occurred.

“Right now, if you’re any good at rugby, you can get a scholarship at a private school, then you can play for a Super Rugby team and not perform and get picked for Australia,” he told Peter FitzSimons.

Performance is not just a problem for Jones or furious fans. RA’s financial survival rests on it.

Zoe SamiosBusiness ReporterZoe Samios covers wagering and the business of sport from the AFR's Sydney newsroom. She was previously the media and telecommunications reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, and covered media at The Australian. Connect with Zoe on .