SBU/Siena survey: 39% of Americans bet on sports

Olean Times Herald
SBU/Siena survey: 39% of Americans bet on sports

Thirty-nine percent of Americans bet on sporting events and 19% — including 39% of men age 18 to 49 and 20% of women 18 to 49 — have an account with an online sports betting service, a St. Bonaventure University/Siena College survey found.

Overwhelmingly, online sports bettors say it’s fun and exciting (93%), makes them more interested in watching the games (85%), think they can make money (80%) and that because they signed up with a promotion, the money was free (71%), the survey of United States adults found.

Monday's release results followed last week's survey results on the Super Bowl's impact on American sports fandom and culture. The survey was a joint effort by the Siena College Research Institute and St. Bonaventure University’s Jandoli School of Communication.

Fifteen percent of all Americans including 22% of young men (18-49) and 30% of "avid" fans know someone who has or had a problem with online sports betting. Of those who place bets with an online sportsbook, 37% have felt bad or ashamed after losing a bet, 38% have felt that they bet more than they should have, 19% have lied to someone about the extent of their betting and 18% have bet and lost money that was meant for meeting their financial obligations.

By 65-23%, Americans agree that online sports betting will end up creating compulsive gamblers that will cause pain to them and their families.

“With 75% of Americans saying they’ve seen ads for online sportsbooks, it’s not surprising that one in five have an account,” said Don Levy, SCRI’s director. “Bettors say it’s fun, and a plurality of all Americans, 48-40%, agree that online sports betting is a great form of entertainment allowing fans to gamble responsibly.

“But, nearly 40% of bettors have felt ashamed about their gambling, or bet more than they should, and one in five have lost money they needed or lied to someone about their betting," he added.

Over half have chased a bet — that is, increased the amount they bet in hopes of getting money back after a loss, and 22% have had someone express concern to them about their usage of online sportsbooks, Levy said.

"Still,only 9% of bettors have called a problem gambling hotline or sought help,” Levy noted.

About online sports bettors from the survey:

• 33% are men 18-34, 24% are men 35-49, 15% are women 18-34 and 12% are women 35-49. Only about 15% are 50 years old or older.

• 91% have a betting app on their smartphone.

• 35% signed up within the past year, 35% signed up more than a year ago but less than two years ago and 29% have had an account for more than two years.

• 63% have more than one online sportsbook account.

• 59% bet at least once a week, 24% bet three or more times a week.

• 36% say they win more than lose, 33% say they break even while 30% say they lose more than win.

• 59% have bet $100 or more in a day, 24% have bet $500 or more in a single day.

“While sports betting is popular among sports fans, particularly among young men, significant concerns remain as two-thirds worry that it creates fans with gambling problems,” said Aaron Chimbel, dean of SBU’s Jandoli School of Communication. “In addition, nearly half of all Americans — including more than 40% of avid fans — think online betting will corrupt organized sports, and Americans overwhelmingly support stronger regulations to protect consumers.

"That said, nearly half the country (49%) supports legalized online sports betting in all 50 states while only 29% call for it being illegal," Chimbel added.

Attitudes towards online sports betting:

• By 47-39% Americans agree that if you have a system to control your betting, online sports betting is not dangerous.

• By 37-32% they agree that tax revenue generated by online sports betting benefits taxpayers.

• By 49-34%, they support online sports betting being legal in all 50 states.

• But, by 65-23% they agree that online sports betting will end up creating compulsive gamblers and by 47-36% that it will corrupt organized sports.

• By 55-28% respondents agree that linking an online sportbook account to a credit card should be forbidden and by 79-14% that any smartphone app that lets people drain their bank accounts in one evening is a bad idea.

• By 61-27% they agree that the federal government should aggressively regulate online sports betting to specifically protect customers from compulsive gambling.

• 32% agree that online sportsbooks are doing a good job of monitoring and responding to the dangers of compulsive gambling while 35% disagree. However, 67% of those with an account think the sportsbooks are doing a good job.

• By 44-39%, Americans agree that online sportsbooks should not be allowed to advertise during sporting events on TV. Young men, however, think they should 51-38%