Six Nations 2024 LIVE: Ireland ease to victory against Italy

Six Nations 2024 LIVE: Ireland ease to victory against Italy

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  1. Well, that's all from Dublin this afternoon as Ireland's bid for back-to-back Grand Slams rolls on.

    You can read Matt Gault's report from the Aviva Stadium here, and keep an eye on the BBC Sport website for highlights and reaction.

    The Six Nations takes a week off now, but we'll be back on Saturday 24 February as Wales visit Dublin to try and stop Andy Farrell's well-oiled machine.


  2. It's looking good for Ireland after two impressive wins over France and Italy.

    Next up, it's Wales in Dublin.

  3. Craig Casey, Ireland scrum-half speaking to ITV Sport: "The goal was to get better and show a better performance on the field, I don't know if we fully did that. There was definitely areas we were happy with, but it's tough to say right now how good we were. We'll look at it during the week and analyse it.

    On playing with Munster team-mate Jack Crowley: "I'm very happy to assist Jack. He has had a very good start to the campaign. Any chance I get to start for Ireland, but especially with him. He's my room mate this week as well, so it's been good.

    On taking his chance: "I don't think it was perfect, by any means, but I was happy with the composure I showed to bounce back from mistakes. That's one thing I have tried to pride myself on this week. I knew everything wasn't going to be perfect. Italy are a good team and international rugby is different. I'm happy with how I responded to mistakes. Hopefully I showed my hand in some from. I want to keep putting my hand up."

  4. Jonny Bell

    Former Ulster and Ireland centre on BBC Radio Ulster

    Ireland are the team to beat and they are a great watch at the moment. It says a lot about where this Ireland team is at the moment that we come out of this game wanting more from them.

  5. Claire Small

    Ireland international on BBC Radio Ulster

    I'm happy to say it! I think this Ireland squad has too much to offer despite the upcoming challenges. Watching them now makes the World Cup all the more frustrating.

  6. Ireland head coach Andy Farrell, speaking to ITV Sport about James Lowe: "He played really well, didn't he? He looked very strong. I think our scrum was man of the match, to be fair. It was a lovely weapon and we backed up our line-out performance from last week as well.

    "It's good they are up and running. We keep the competition where it should be, but the competition only gets going from here on in."

  7. Ireland head coach Andy Farrell, speaking to ITV Sport: "We're happy enough and we got what we wanted in the game with a bonus-point win. Keeping them to zero is very pleasing and there was some nice tries out there and some nice performances by individuals.

    "We got a bit clunky in parts but they are tricky enough to play against. They (Italy) have changed the way that they play, they are a little more pragmatic so you have to find different ways of getting the ball back.

    "I thought we were trying to be too tidy at times, just playing with shape when we broke them down with a bit of individual brilliance. We need to back ourselves a little bit more as far as that is concerned. We looked dangerous."

  8. Jonny Bell

    Former Ulster and Ireland centre on BBC Radio Ulster

    The intensity will be up a notch when Wales come to town in a couple of weeks. They come here as underdogs but Warren Gatland and his team would love to ruin Ireland's Grand Slam hopes.

  9. James Lowe, player of the match, speaking to ITV Sport: "It's nice to be back home and we're pleased with the result, but obviously there are a few things we need to work on. We're looking forward to a week off and then a couple of hard days of training.

    "It probably shows how well the provinces are doing (with the changes), with the boys who came in, there was no clunky play and our set piece was phenomenal again. It's easy when there are platforms like that. We probably put ourselves under pressure with mistakes and compounding errors, and that's not ok so going forward, it's what we have to work on as we can't give teams that easy access."

  10. Claire Small

    Ireland international on BBC Radio Ulster

    Ireland's defence was excellent and smothered Italy but, after running England so close last week, the Italian players and coaches will be very frustrated with that performance. They could not get going.

  11. Jonny Bell

    Former Ulster and Ireland centre on BBC Radio Ulster

    Eleven tries in two games for Ireland shows what they are capable of. A perfect start and they could have had more today.

  12. Stick with us and we'll bring you some reaction from a try-filled afternoon in Dublin.

  13. Paddy Wallace

    Former Ulster and Ireland centre on BBC Radio Ulster

    Ireland were able to rest some key men and have another two weeks to rest the bodies after this one. The strength in depth is a real asset for Andy Farrell at the moment.

  14. Paddy Wallace

    Former Ulster and Ireland centre on BBC Radio Ulster

    Ireland were excellent but Italy were very poor and offered next to nothing in an error-strewn performance. Wales will give them a much tougher test in a fortnight's time.

  15. And that will be that in Dublin.

    Ireland's bid for back-to-back Grand Slams rolls on.

  16. Actually scrap that, he knocked it on as he looked to touch down.

  17. Jamison Gibson-Park squeezes over with the final play.

  18. Italy snatch the ball but Ireland win it back - and then a penalty. It's into the corner for one final push with the clock in the red.

  19. Ireland win the line-out and look to finish with a flourish.

    They're just outside the Italy 22.

  20. Paddy Wallace

    Former Ulster and Ireland centre on BBC Radio Ulster

    Great work in the build-up from McCloskey and Gibson-Park but Nash still had work to do. The Munster man finished well and Ireland give this crowd a final flourish.