Super Bowl Squares (Printable): Strategy, Odds & Top Numbers to Select
Super Bowl Squares (Printable): Strategy, Odds & Top Numbers to Select

Our Super Bowl Squares guide will help you navigate the ever-popular betting market for Super Bowl picks with NFL odds from our best Super Bowl betting sites.

A good Super Bowl Squares contest is as important to the Big Game experience as the snacks, halftime show, the commercials, and various Super Bowl prop bet odds. Our Super Bowl Squares strategy guide will help add to that experience.

A game of Super Bowl Football Squares, along with our other Super Bowl odds and Super Bowl predictions, can make things more exciting for even the most casual of football fans. Many of our best NFL betting sites offer Super Bowl squares as a betting market, so you don't need to worry about tracking results yourself at your Super Bowl party.

Here are our best Super Bowl Squares tips and strategies to play with our best sports betting sites

Super Bowl any quarter square odds

Bettors can wager on the outcome of any quarter, as well as the game's final score.

The numbers in the "Square Result" column below represent the only or second digit in the respective team's score at the end of any quarter.

Here were the odds for Super Bowl any quarter square results during the Kansas City Chiefs vs. San Francisco 49ers game in 2024.

Super Bowl final result square odds

This market is a little more simple, and asks for only the second digit of each team's score at the end of the game. The odds for each square are higher due to the wider range of possibilities over a 60-minute game. 

Below were the given Super Bowl square odds for the final result of the 2024 game between Kansas City and San Francisco.

Where to play Super Bowl Squares

Not having a Super Bowl party this year? DraftKings hosted a weekly NFL squares contest throughout the regular season and and the rest of our best Super Bowl betting sites can be expected to join in on the fun!

Free printable Super Bowl Squares sheet

Simply download our free printable Super Bowl Squares sheet, assign one team to the column and one to the rows, and then randomly assign numbers 0-9 to each column and row.

Then at your Super Bowl party, decide on a buy-in for all of your guest and have that prize pool split into winners per quarter and for the entire game. Once they select their square (or squares), sit back and enjoy the game. Worry only about tracking the results at the end of each quarter.

What are Super Bowl Squares?

Super Bowl Squares is a popular game at anySuper Bowl party because anybody can win, even non-football fans who are justat the party to hang out, have some snacks, and see the halftime show.

To win a prize, you simply need toown the square that contains the last digit of each team’s score at the end ofany quarter or at the end of the game.

How to play Super Bowl Squares

To play a game of Super Bowl Squares,you first need to draw a grid with 10 columns and 10 rows that intersect tocreate 100 Squares. The columns are assigned to one Super Bowl team and therows are assigned to the other.

Next, randomly select numbers from zero tonine for each row and each column. Since certain numbers are more valuable thanothers in Super Bowl Squares (more on that below), the numbers should then becovered up so that no one purchasing Squares can see them. After players havepurchased all the Squares and written their initials in them, you can revealthe numbers for each row and each column.

At the end of each quarter and of the game, whoever owns the square that matches the final digit of each team’s score wins aprize. For example, if the rows in 2024 were assigned to the Chiefs and the columns wereassigned to the 49ers, a player who holds the No. 7 in their row and the No. 3 intheir column would win a prize if the Chiefs led the 49ers 17-13 at the end ofa quarter or the game.

What are the best numbers for Super Bowl Squares?

Since most scoring in football is done in sevens (converted touchdowns with a successful point-after attempt) and threes (field goals), some numbers are better to hold than others. Zero is the most common last number for a team’s score, and thenumbers 0, 7, and 3 have combined to hit more than 50% of the time in Super Bowlhistory.

The numbers 5, 2, and 8 are the worst squaresto have, combining to hit approximately 8% of the time. However, recent changesto the way NFL football is played (such as teams attempting more two-pointconversions and missing more extra points) means anything’s possible. So don’tlose hope if you get one of these numbers!

How to win Super Bowl Squares

Since the numbers for Super Bowl Squares areassigned randomly and not revealed until you’ve purchased your squares, thebiggest key to winning Super Bowl Squares is luck bing on your side.

However, you can still be strategic whenchoosing which squares you buy. For example, purchasing squares in a diagonalline increases the likelihood that you’ll get some of the better numbers, butit can also make you more vulnerable to getting a few of the worse numbers, aswell. Another strategy is buying multiple squares in the same column or row andhoping that you get one of the best numbers for one of the teams.

Who plays Super Bowl Squares?

Super Bowl squares is a fun and easy game toplay, making it a great option for anyone looking to make the Super Bowl evenmore entertaining.

You don’t even need to be together in the sameroom to play Super Bowl squares. In addition to Super Bowl parties, Super Bowlsquares is also a popular game in office pools or fundraisers.

Super Bowl Squares FAQs

What is Super Bowl Squares?

Super Bowl Squares is a game played on a board with100 squares that have two sets of numbers, one for the AFC and one for the NFC representatives.

At the end of each quarter or at the end ofthe game, whichever player owns the square that matches up with the last digitin both teams’ score will win a prize.

Howdoes Super Bowl Squares work?

A Super Bowl Squares board features a grid of10 columns and 10 rows that intersect to create 100 squares. Every column andevery row is randomly numbered from zero to nine, although those numbers aren’trevealed until players have purchased every square on the board.

Can you bet on Super Bowl Squares?

All of our legal and regulated best sportsbooks offer Super Bowl Squares. Options include any quarter and final result. 

The consensus favorite for the any quarter market during Super Bowl 58 was 49ers 0:0 Chiefs. The favorite in the final result squares market was Chiefs 7:0 49ers.

What are the best numbers for Super Bowl Squares?

Zero, seven, and three are the best numbers for Super Bowl Squares, combining to hit more than 50% of the time in Super Bowl history. Thisis because most scoring in football is done in sevens (converted touchdowns) and threes(field goals).

Super Bowl betting odds pages

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