Survey Results: Have NIL And The Transfer Portal Ruined College Football?
Survey Results: Have NIL And The Transfer Portal Ruined College Football?

Heyoooooo, I have survey results for all y’all!

I asked two questions last week about NIL and the transfer portal ruining college football.

Below are the results, along with a fairly long video discussing some of the sticky topics - including NIL and the transfer portal - around college football.

Do you feel NIL (Name, Image, Likeness) - college athletes being paid - has had a positive or negative effect on college football?

Do you feel the transfer portal has had a positive or negative effect on college football?

Video Summary:

Jon Johnston of Corn Nation conducted a survey among Nebraska fans about two key issues in college football: NIL (Name, Image, and Likeness) payments to college athletes, and the transfer portal. The results showed that 70% of respondents view both NIL and the transfer portal positively, which Johnston found surprising given the predominantly negative comments he observed online, especially on YouTube and Facebook.

Johnston, who is 61 and works in IT, reflects on the nature of change, particularly in the context of the transfer portal. He recognizes that while change can be unsettling, it’s important to assess whether it’s inherently negative or just different. He argues that the transfer portal gives players more control over their futures, a positive development in light of the flexibility coaches have in their careers.

Regarding NIL, Johnston notes the substantial money flowing into college sports and questions the fairness of not allowing athletes to benefit financially. He advocates for player compensation, given the huge sums involved in coaching salaries and facilities. However, he also acknowledges the lack of regulation and transparency in NIL deals, noting instances where athletes do not receive the full amounts promised.

Johnston predicts significant changes in college sports, including the possible classification of athletes as employees, which could lead to collective bargaining and more transparency in NIL contracts. He also mentions the impending enrollment cliff facing colleges, which could lead to bankruptcies and impact college athletics.

Johnston emphasizes the importance of these issues in shaping the future of college sports, despite them being less popular topics among fans. He closes by inviting further discussion, wishing viewers happy holidays, and expressing support for Nebraska (“Go Big Red”).