The Garry Schofield Column: My prediction for Wigan Warriors in Super League 2024
The Garry Schofield Column: My prediction for Wigan Warriors in Super League 2024

I’VE SAVED the best until last, because that’s what this Wigan side are.

As I’ve said often, as a Leeds fan, I’ve no great love of the Cherry and Whites, and I don’t like everything they did as a club back in the nineties, because I don’t think it did Rugby League as a whole any favours.

But I still respect the overall history and heritage of Wigan, and I’m a massive admirer of Matt Peet, and also Kris Radlinski, who makes a big contribution in the background.

Wigan have a new owner after Mike Danson replaced Ian Lenagan, who should be congratulated on the appointment two years ago of Peet, which was considered a bit of a risk at the time but has been proven to be a very astute decision.

Like his predecessor Adrian Lam has done at Leigh, Matt has created an excellent culture at Wigan, and it seems very clear that the players like him and want to play for him.

And what a group of players he has, with the bulk of the 2023 squad still around and supplemented by the likes of Kruise Leeming, Luke Thompson and Sam Walters, a very solid forward I’m disappointed is no longer at Leeds.

As I’ve said, St Helens will be desperate to re-assert themselves, but Wigan are going to take some stopping, and I see them as dominant not just this year, but for a few more after.