The Greatest Moments in Rugby History

The Greatest Moments in Rugby History

After the establishment of Rugby Football Union (RFU) by the British back in 1871, rugby became one of the most popular sports in the world. Year after year, more clubs and nations joined in and rugby spread across the world faster than anyone could have imagined. Nowadays, many fans across the world watch rugby leagues and championships. 

That said, some of the best betting sites NZ  has to offer provide special promotions for fans who want to place friendly wagers on rugby teams or games. With such a rich history this sport has, it would be a shame not to mention some of the greatest historical moments that marked the legacy of rugby across the world. 

Rugby arrives to New Zealand

One of the major highlights in rugby history is the arrival of the sport to New Zealand. After all, New Zealand is one of the most awarded nations when it comes to rugby and many say they are the best. That said, rugby made its way to NZ back in 1870 by English settlers specifically by Charles John Monro. 

He discovered that the local Māori were playing a ball game called ki-o-rahi which greatly resembles Australian Rules Football. Many people think that the locals helped develop New Zealand’s national team’s rugby style that is renowned even today. 

England kicked out in 1999

England, the birthplace of modern rugby, was kicked out of the 1999 Rugby World Cup. 

To everyone’s shock, South Africa’s Jannie De Beer executed five drop-kick goals during the quarter final match between South Africa and England. 

De Beer literally kicked England out of the tournament with the final score of 44-21. This historic moment is still remembered by many who witnessed it first-hand. 

Japan victorious over South Africa in 2015

For those of you who are familiar with the Rugby World Cup, you know that South Africa holds 3 championships right alongside New Zealand. They are among the best in the sport and no one can deny that fact. 

However, the Rugby World Cup back in 2015 proved that even the best can succumb to the underdogs. Japan kept up toe to toe with South Africans through the entire match and managed to secure a win at the very end. The match went down as one of the greatest surprises in rugby history. 

Closing Words

Rugby is one of the most popular and most exciting sports in the world. It has a rich history and plenty of stories that go along with every league and every cup. It’s always a good thing to remind ourselves of the historic moments that made this sport as great as it is.