The History of Ice Hockey

Philadelphia Sports Nation
The History of Ice Hockey
Ice hockey, a thrilling and captivating sport, has a storied history that dates back centuries.
Originating on the frozen ponds of Canada, it has transformed into a global phenomenon, appreciated and followed by millions worldwide.

This sport, often associated with unyielding team spirit, exciting speed, and strategic precision, boasts a rich past that’s intertwined with the culture and identity of many nations. 

Ladbrokes and other online betting companies have made ice hockey a popular pastime for many who make wagers on the outcome of games. However, betting isn’t essential to appreciating this sport. Whether you’re an avid fan or just curious about its history, here’s a brief overview of how it all began. 

Let’s delve into the fascinating journey of ice hockey’s evolution.

Prior to the mid-1980s, the general consensus was that ice hockey originated from English field hockey and Indian lacrosse, brought into Canada by British soldiers during the mid-1800s. However, subsequent research revealed references to a game similar to hockey, played by the Mi’kmaq (Micmac) Indians of Nova Scotia in the early 1800s. 

This game, seemingly influenced heavily by the Irish sport of hurling, involved a “hurley” (a type of stick) and a square wooden block in place of a ball. This sport, which likely laid the foundation for ice hockey, spread across Canada through Scottish and Irish immigrants and British military presence.

Adopting aspects of field hockey such as the “bully” (subsequently known as the face-off) and “shinning” (the act of hitting an opponent’s shins with the stick or playing with the stick on one side, later became an informal ice game known as shinny or shinty), the game gradually evolved. The name “hockey” is believed to have been derived from the French term “hoquet,” which translates to shepherd’s stick. The word “rink,” referring to the designated area of play, was initially applied in the game of curling in 18th-century Scotland.

Early versions of hockey permitted as many as 30 participants on each side, with goals being two stones frozen at opposite ends of the ice. The shift from using a ball to a puck was first observed in Kingston Harbour, Ontario, Canada 1860.

Early Organisation

The inaugural public indoor ice hockey match took place in Montreal’s Victoria Skating Rink in 1875, marking an important milestone in the sport’s history. Spearheaded by McGill University students, the game borrowed many rules from field hockey. An early harbinger of the sport’s future reputation for violence was evident in this initial match. As reported by The Daily British Whig of Kingston, Ontario, the game resulted in battered shins and heads, broken benches, and fleeing female spectators. 

In 1877, the first formally organized team, the McGill University Hockey Club, emerged. This pioneering team not only codified the rules of the game but also limited the number of players to nine per team. By the late 19th century, ice hockey had rivaled lacrosse in terms of popularity in Canada. 

In 1885, the Amateur Hockey Association (AHA) of Canada was established in Montreal, introducing a seven-player side limitation. That same year, the first league was founded in Kingston, consisting of four teams: the Kingston Hockey Club, Queen’s University, the Kingston Athletics, and the Royal Military College. The inaugural championship saw Queen’s University secure a 3–1 victory over the Athletics. 

As the 20th century dawned, the sport saw further development with the advent of manufactured sticks, shin pads, baseball-inspired chest protectors for goaltenders, and the construction of arenas across eastern Canada. National attention spotlighted the sport when the Canadian governor-general, Frederick Arthur, Lord Stanley of Preston, donated a cup to be awarded annually to the best Canadian team in 1893. This prestigious silver cup, known as the Stanley Cup, was first claimed in the 1892–93 season by the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association team. 

The formation of the Canadian Amateur Hockey League in 1899 marked another key milestone. At this time, all hockey in Canada was “amateur,” as acknowledging payment for athletic services was considered inappropriate. Consequently, the first recognized professional hockey team globally emerged in the United States in 1903, in Houghton, Michigan. Owned by a dentist named J.L. Gibson, the Portage Lakers team was made up largely of Canadian imports. A year later, Gibson founded the International Pro Hockey League, the first acknowledged professional league. 

Canada eventually embraced professional hockey in 1908 with the formation of the Ontario Professional Hockey League. By then, Canada had established itself as the epicenter of world hockey.

The National Hockey League

As the popularity of ice hockey continued to soar, the Pacific Coast Hockey Association (PCHA) was formed in 1911. PCHA introduced several innovations to the game, including blue lines to mark zones, forward passing, and penalty shots for players fouled from behind. PCHA also became the first league to remove the rule requiring players to be on the ice at all times, allowing for substitutions and giving birth to the concept of “lines” of forwards and defensemen.

The National Hockey Association (NHA), a precursor to the NHL, was established in 1910. However, disagreements among owners, primarily with Eddie Livingstone, owner of the Toronto Blueshirts, led to the formation of the National Hockey League (NHL) in 1917. The NHL initially consisted of five teams: Montreal Canadiens, Montreal Wanderers, Ottawa Senators, Quebec Bulldogs, and Toronto, which later became the Toronto Maple Leafs.

The NHL and PCHA champions began competing for the Stanley Cup in 1915, and after a series of mergers and folds, the NHL became the central and premier professional ice hockey league in North America. Its first expansion into the United States came in 1924 with the inclusion of the Boston Bruins. This marked the beginning of the league’s steady growth, which saw the NHL expand to 31 teams in both Canada and the United States by the 21st century.

As the league expanded, so did the game’s rules and regulations. The introduction of the offside rule, the forward pass, and the implementation of a standardized puck are just a few of the many changes that came to define the modern game of ice hockey. What started as a modest game on the frozen ponds of Canada had evolved into a major professional sport with a storied history and millions of enthusiastic fans worldwide.


Ice hockey’s evolution from a rudimentary game played on frozen ponds to a high-stakes, professional sport watched by millions worldwide is a testament to its enduring appeal. Its origins are rooted in traditional pastimes; the sport has grown and changed with the times, with every modification and innovation further enhancing the game’s dynamism and excitement.

From the establishment of historic leagues to the introduction of transformative rules, ice hockey’s rich history is interwoven with the broader tapestry of Canadian culture and identity.