The Most Popular Betting Sports Online

Zambian Football
The Most Popular Betting Sports Online

Sports betting is a big part of the fandom. And in 2023, no venue for sports betting is more popular than online bookmakers. New people come to sports betting every day. However, the question some people might have is: “What are the most popular sports to bet on online?” In this article, we answer that very question. Let’s take a look at the most popular betting sports online.


Throughout history, so-called “kick ball” games have always been popular. However, in the mid-1800s, a game developed in Victorian England that would take the world by storm. Aptly named “football,” the sport soon spread throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and even South America. Up until recently, the only countries that cared little for football were America and Canada. Though even that is changing recently, with Major League Soccer taking over hockey as the US’ fourth favorite sport. 

With over 3 billion fans backing football, there is no surprise in learning that football is the most popular betting sport, both at online bookies and land-based ones. Tons of the best sportsbooks, for which you can , cover all of the major football leagues (such as the EPL, La Liga, Ligue 1, and more), as well as international competitions, the most notable of which is the FIFA World Cup. It is very unlikely that football will be dethroned as the most popular sport in the near future.


Some might be surprised that golf ranks so highly in the popular betting sports category. However, it is absolutely true. Much like tennis (which is also quite popular), golf is an all-year sport. What this means is that there is a golf game being played at any point during the year. In other words, betting on golf is easy and frequently available. 

Not only that, but golf is just an incredibly fun sport to play. And most players tend to want to watch some games. So, major golf tournaments frequently get a lot of attention. The most notable and popular golf tournaments are the following:

  • The Masters Tournament
  • The PGA Championship
  • The Open Championship
  • The U.S. Open


Just recently, basketball overtook cricket as the second most popular sport in the world. At this point, basketball has over 2.5 billion fans all over the world, and for good reason. Basketball games are fast, dynamic, and benefit from a comeback, which means they remain exciting to the very end. Naturally, when a sport accumulates this many fans, there is no doubt that it will be successful in the betting scene. 

Basketball betting is most popular in the United States, Eastern and Southern Europe, and in a variety of African countries. The most notable basketball tournaments for bettors are the NBA championships, March Madness, and the FIBA championships. 

Honorable Mentions

The three sports we discussed in this article are, undoubtedly incredibly popular. However, they are not the only ones that draw massive attention. So, the following is a list of other sports that are worth mentioning when it comes to online sports betting:

  • Cricket
  • Tennis
  • Motorsports 
  • Volleyball
  • Boxing/MMA

All of these have a massive following, and benefit greatly from the betting industry. You will likely find quality sportsbooks covering most of the notable events in all of the five sports mentioned above.