The South’s old politics live on in college football

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The South’s old politics live on in college football

Georgia Bulldogs are the team that I root for. Georgia won the 2021 National Championship game against Alabama. College football is a political game in the South. Former college football legends have a big microphone in those parts. It's not everyone that watches college Football is as far-gone as I am. However, it's important to understand that this sport takes on a whole different meaning and intensity in that part of the world.

Herschel Walker is running for a senate seat in Georgia. Tommy Tuberville won an open Alabama senate position. College football has become a political proxy since the Civil War. The South's mindset is that they can beat the North on the football field. Georgia Bulldogs' recent success made many people feel like they were the underdog. They were. Georgia won the game. It was a symbolic victory for the South. Tony Barnhart summarises the mindset of the Southerners a few decades after the war. He says they may not be able to beat North in the wars or economically, but they could beat them on football.