The Trots WA Oaks Night

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The Trots WA Oaks Night

Tomorrow night sees the running of The Trots WA Oaks at Gloucester Park. Benesari Lane won last year's edition of the feature. Get The Last Word on each of these 10 races below.

The Trots WA Oaks Night takes place at Vale Beth Richard's Park. Aldo Cortopassi (ROLLINDOWNTHERiver) is going well. Ryan Bell (SWAGGER MAN) will attempt to lead. Corey Rogers (NORTHERN GAZE) wants to land a forward position. Gary Hall Snr (HIGH PRICE) would like to work forward and lead the race. Greg Bond (STRENGTH AND HONOUR) can play a part. Kim Prentice (SOHO DOWN JONES) has a draw and will have to duck and weave. Peter Tilbrook (SEVEN NO TRUMPS) continues his solid form.

Aldo Cortopassi (ROLLINDOWNTHERIVER) is going well. Ryan Bell (SWAGGER MAN) will attempt to lead. Corey Rogers (NORTHERN GAZE) has a tough draw and tough field. Chris Voak (LINEBACKER) hopes to land a forward position. Gary Hall Snr (HIGH PRICE) would like to be leading. Greg Bond (STRENGTH AND HONOUR) can play a part. Kim Prentice (SOHO DOWN JONES) might have to duck and weave. Peter Tilbrook (SEVEN NO TRUMPS) continues his solid form.

The Trots WA Oaks Night takes place at the Perth Fairground. The first race is a race between You Too Mate Pace and The Krack. Murray Lindau (TALKS UP A STORM) should be prominent from the more favourable draw.

Murray Lindau (TALKS UP A STORM) should be prominent from the more favourable draw. Ross Olivieri (CARRERA MACH) is working well at home but not getting the luck in his races. Gary Hall Snr (MASTER PUBLISHER) keeps drawing where he can't lead. Michael Young (DOC HOLLIDAY) will be thereabouts. Jocelyn Young has a bad draw for Tellmetoattacking. Justin Prentice (MANNING) has been drawing hard this week.

Ray Williams (STAMFORD) and Bob Mellsop (OUR STAR WATCH) are looking forward to the race. The Mustang won easy last week. Ryan Bell (THE CODE BREAKER) thinks he will be running on. Kyle Harper (CORDERO) is disappointed with the draw. Gary Hall Snr (EUPHORIA) believes it's a bad barrier draw but still a place chance.

Ray Williams (STAMFORD) and Bob Mellsop (OUR STAR WATCH) are looking forward to the race. The Mustang won easy last week. Ryan Bell (THE CODE BREAKER) thinks he will be running on. Michael Brennan (WITHOUTTHETUH) reckons he drew the wrong side of The Mustang. Kyle Harper (CORDERO) says the draw hurts. Gary Hall Snr (EUPHORIA) has a bad barrier draw.

Gary Hall Snr (Jumping Jack Mac) reckons Jumping Jack MAC will be hard to beat. Kristy Elson ( JASPERVELLABEACH) is hoping for a soft draw. Cody Wallrodt (BABY FACE ADDA) will try to hit the line strong first-up. Gary Hall's son (GAMBIT) can be a danger if there's pressure on him. Ray Williams (MAGNIFICENT STORM) has missed a few weeks of racing and will need luck.

Gary Hall Snr (Jumping Jack Mac) is going to lead. Kristy Elson ( JASPERVELLABEACH) will get a soft draw. Cody Wallrodt (BABYFACE ADDA) wants to hit the line strong first-up. Gary Hall's son (GAMBIT) can be a danger if there's pressure on. Ray Williams (MAGNIFICENT STORM) needs to get fit and race this week. Chris Lewis (HAMPTON BANNER) missed a few weeks of racing. Nathan Turvey (MIRACLE MOOSE) has a good draw but needs luck.

Ross Olivieri, Taking the Mike, Sarah Wall, Chris Lewis, Jocelyn Young, Michael Brennan, Greg Bond, Catch the Red Eye, Gary Hall Snr, and Im Still My Light are talking about the race 5 in the Trots WA Oaks. The winner of the Oaks will be announced on the day.

Ross Olivieri, Taking the Mike, Chris Lewis, Sarah Wall, Chloe Wall and Michael Brennan are talking about the Trots WA Oaks Night. Greg Bond, In the Spotlight, Catch the Red Eye, Ackerne Girl, Sherry Hall Snr, and Im Still My Light are also talking.

Aiden De Campo (DOMINUS FACTUM) will lead this week. Sarah Wall (ALTA RHETT) hopes the shortcuts are favourable. Michele Ferguson (ROCKABALL) is hoping to get a good trip. Ray Williams (EZANA) has worked well this time and last week wasn't run to suit. Kat Warwick (MACHINIFICENT) looking for a strong finish. Sue Wiscombe (ELDAYTONA) happy with the horse. Greg Bond (GLENLEDI CHIEF) going great.

Aiden De Campo (DOMINUS FACTUM) will lead this week. Sarah Wall (ALTA RHETT) and Michelle Ferguson (ROCKABALL) are optimistic. Ray Williams (EZANA) is not. Kat Warwick (MACHNIFICENT) has her first-up in a while. Sue Wiscombe (ELDAYTONA) was deleted from the race and drawn badly. Ross Olivieri (BOOM TIME) had a good race. Greg Bond (GLENLEDI CHIEF) went well.

Kat Warwick (RASCAL) is going to run in the Western Trilogue. Michael Young (KIMBLE) will leave it to Junior to assess off the gate. Jocelyn Young is running in a tricky spot. Nathan Turvey (COOL WATER PADDY) and Willa Wrong Mustang (ILLAWONG MUSTANG) are going for the win. Deb Padberg (DEEORSE) likes 2500 and will go well. Greg Bond (AUSSIE SCOOTER) thinks it's an even field.

Kat Warwick (Rascal) is running well. Jocelyn Young (Pontevivo) will run a good race. Nathan Turvey (COOL WATER PADDY) and Illawong Mustang (DEEORSE) are going to need luck. Deb Padberg (AUSSIE SCOOTER) likes 2500. Michael Brennan (WOODLEA RAGNAR) needs to draw closer to the rail.

The Trots WA Oaks Night is on Saturday, 26 October. The draw is good. Chris Voak, Greg Bond, Hayden Charles, Terry Ferguson, Chris Lewis, Shane Young, Michael Young and Blaze Cooper are the horses that are going to race.

The Trots WA Oaks Night is tonight. Chris Voak, Greg Bond, Hayden Charles, Terry Ferguson, Just for Love, Sebastian Cooper, Shane Young, Black Sheep, Alcipps Delight, and Blue Coats are all going to take part.

The Trots WA Oaks Night is on Friday. Kyle Harper, Chris Lewis, Deb Padberg, David Young, Aldo Cortopassi, Craig Saligari, Kat Warwick, Brett Smith and Faster Than Dad are going to take part.

The Trots WA Oaks Night is on Friday. Kyle Harper, Chris Lewis, Deb Padberg, David Young, Kat Warwick, Aldo Cortopassi, Craig Saligari, Michael George, Brett Smith and Rock On Top are going to take part.

The Trots WA Oaks Night takes place on October 13, 2022. Follow the Trot WA on Facebook and Twitter. Linda Hamilton is still looking for fitness. Donald Harper (QUATTROSE) got a bad draw and will be back to the rail. Kim Prentcie (SWEET VIVIENNE) will go to paddock after this.

The Trots WA Oaks Night is tonight. Linda Hamilton is still looking for fitness. Kat Warwick loves to fly the gate. Kyle Harper has a place chance. Donald Harper will be back to the rail. Kim Prentcie will go to paddock after this.

The 2021 WA Fashions on the Field winner will be announced on September 29, 2021.