The Wizards are one of the cheapest NBA teams to have a night out
The Wizards are one of the cheapest NBA teams to have a night out

It’s no secret that the Washington Wizards have struggled to bring fans in the arena in recent years. Don’t blame Monumental Sports & Entertainment, though. They are trying to keep ticket prices, and more lower than average. In fact, the Wizards are one of the most affordable (or cheapest) teams to have a family night on the town.

According to US Betting Report and an internal report they sent me via email recently, the Wizards are the fourth cheapest team for a family of four to have the following per their release: “four average-price tickets, two small draft beers, four small soft drinks, four regular-size hot dogs, parking for one hour, two game programs, and the two least-expensive, adult-size adjustable caps.”

Hopefully this puts to rest about outlier games, like when the Wizards host some of the league’s biggest contenders.

The total damage for a family of four comes out to $300.36 in 2022, though it’s unclear if this is for the 2022-23 NBA season or the 2021-22 season. Either way, the same cost in 2012 was $246.94, just a 22 percent increase from 10 years before. That price increase is actually below inflation from 2012-22 (27 percent), and the NBA’s average of 42 percent.

The Charlotte Hornets were the team with the lowest price to attend games at $237.55, just a 17 percent increase over their 2012 numbers. The New York Knicks were the most expensive team at $936.72, a 46 percent increase over their 2012 numbers.

The Golden State Warriors had the biggest price increase percentage-wise from 2012 to 2022, going up from $260.80 to $740.08, respectively. The Warriors were also the second most expensive team in 2022. Ten years ago, they were among the cheapest, but this was also before their dynastic era in the mid to late 2010s.