#Tim Horton

SIMMONS SAYS: Blue Jays need Vladdy to keep being Vladdy

SIMMONS SAYS: Blue Jays need Vladdy to keep being Vladdy

It sounds more like the name of a movie or a book - Waiting for Godot, Waiting for Guffman, Waiting to Begin - but for now, it remains central to this impressive, fascinating and oddly puzzling Blue Jays season. The Jays have found themselves in the standings right about where they were expected to be - among the best teams in baseball. And they've…
SIMMONS SUNDAY: Raptors forward O.G. Anunoby continues to grow ... and surprise

SIMMONS SUNDAY: Raptors forward O.G. Anunoby continues to grow ... and surprise

The notion that never seemed to make sense in the big picture: The idea of the always reserved O.G. Anunoby growing into an NBA star of any kind. He has been the quiet man playing his quiet game in an overly noisy NBA for years. He doesn't say much for attribution. He doesn't care to create controversy on social media or anywhere else. He even…