Top 7 Unknown And Unexpected Facts About Online Betting

Summarized by: Live Sports Direct
Top 7 Unknown And Unexpected Facts About Online Betting

According to the analytical and news resource, every 2nd inhabitant of the planet over the age of 18 made bets on sports and non-sports events. The leading position in the betting business is confidently occupied by the UK. Mick Gibbs won 800 thousand dollars betting only 50 cents. The business was profitable, since the annual turnover in such establishments reached several billion pounds. Some bookmakers took bets that the year 2000 would be the last in history. There was also a discussion about the end of world. It should also be noted that bookies never forget about famous personalities.

The UK is the leading place in the betting business. Mick Gibbs won 800 thousand dollars betting only 50 cents. The business was profitable several centuries ago. There have been some ridiculous bets in sports betting. Thomas Savirson bet on Luis Suarez biting someone during a football match. He won. It is not clear who would pay the money to the winners. Some bets were about the end of the world. Other bets involved famous people. For example, Elvis Presley would shoot down a UFO with a gun and kill the Loch Ness Monster. This happened. However, the chance of this happening is 1 in 15 million.

Cliff Bryant bet that snow would fall in 13 cities in the north of England during the holidays in 2010. It snowed for the first time in seven years. He won more than 7 million pounds, but the office gave him only 30 pounds. Elvis Presley will shoot down a UFO and an alien ship will land in Loch Ness. In 1995, Ladbrokes paid out £210,000 in an event with quote 3072887. The winner bet only 5p.

Cliff Bryant bet that snow would fall in 13 cities in the north of England during the holidays in 2010. On Christmas Eve it snowed for the first time in seven years. He won 7 million pounds, but the office gave him only 30 pounds. Elvis Presley will shoot down a UFO and an alien ship will land in Loch Ness. In 1995 Ladbrokes paid out £210,000 in an event with quote 3072887.