Top Braves executive weighs in on Georgia sports betting bill
Top Braves executive weighs in on Georgia sports betting bill

In the Georgia State Senate legislature Wednesday, a group of lawmakers representing both major political parties introduced a bill to allow sports betting in the State. Past efforts such as SB 57, SR 140, and HB 380 were rejected last year, but this year’s effort seems to be gaining momentum, according to those who follow this closely. This summation of the bill seems to allow all Georgia teams to place bets with all of the popular betting outlets.

The Atlanta Braves are throwing their support behind the effort as well.

Braves President and CEO Derek Shiller expressed the team’s support for the bill. Shiller stated that the Braves are “excited about the opportunity to bring mobile sports betting to Georgia.”

I personally don’t really have a feel for the legislation or the parties involved and will not imply support for Battery Power either way. But the Braves have definitely been watching other teams receiving sponsorship money from the larger betting houses and would enjoy that revenue stream as well. I know that years ago, as a college student in an adjacent state, also watched as students went to college for free as I was toiling away, so I understand the Braves’ support.