Train like a professional tennis player.

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Train like a professional tennis player.

Sports science has revolutionized tennis and made it a better sport. To excel in tennis you need to be extremely fit and improve various parts of your game. Top tennis players follow a specific training program to improve their game and give them an edge over their opponents.

Train like a professional tennis player to perform at your peak in tennis tournaments. Smaller tournaments take place over the space of a week with bigger events lasting a fortnight or longer. With a minimum draw of 32 players, many top tennis players face at least 5, 3 set matches.

Train like a professional tennis player. Focus on improving all areas of your overall fitness. Professional tennis players spend about 40% of their time on court.  The rest of the time is spent improving other areas such as strength, power, speed, balance, agility, flexibility, coordination and cardiovascular fitness

Tennis players know how important it is to improve their strength and flexibility. Full body strength exercises improve your strength, flexibility and speed around the court. It can also reduce the amount of stress you put on your joints and muscles.

Stretching exercises are essential for tennis players to keep their muscles supple and ready for anything. They also help to reduce and prevent injuries from occurring. Many people spend too much time on on-court activities. Stretches exercises should be performed on a daily basis. They improve performance and make you a better tennis player.