UCI Bans Hugs at the Finish Line

UCI Bans Hugs at the Finish Line

On February 26, the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), released its revised coronavirus protocol for races this season. Many of the rules remained the same, such as having two mandatory COVID-19 tests prior to racing and entering team bubbles, wearing masks at all times except while riding (warming up, racing, and cooling down specifically), and keeping a safe distance from others.

But one rule change in particular stood out to the cycling community and has garnered criticism: cyclists are no longer allowed celebratory hugs with team members at the finish line.

“Although from a medical point of view the risk of contamination between members of a team bubble remains low, the UCI nevertheless considers it necessary that riders adopt the basic precautionary measures, including respecting a minimum physical distance,” the UCI said in the statement. “Demonstrations of joy and congratulation are spontaneous and natural, and are part of the beauty of our sport. It is therefore no pleasure for the UCI to strongly recommend all concerned to refrain from hugging at the finish. However, due to the current pandemic it is essential to temporarily modify certain habits so that we can get back to normal as quickly as possible.”

It’s been an unpopular decision (though, at least it makes more sense than regulating sock height), prompting the UCI to release a about the hugging ban on March 8. It called the guideline “common sense and in line with our desire to ensure our sport is exemplary in these difficult times.”

But the question still remains: Does banning hugs between team members—who are in the same bubble—really improve safety?

The UCI has protocol for who can enter a team bubble and how; specifically, a person must pass a PCR test six days before the race and again 72 hours beforehand. At the moment, the UCI is still requiring vaccinated individuals to follow its coronavirus protocol in order to gain entry into a team bubble.

Yet there seems to be no guidance on behavior within team bubbles. Presumably, everyone within the team bubble is interacting without masks and in close quarters. The odds of COVID-19 being transmitted between teammates at the dinner table seem far higher than it happening due to a brief hug while outdoors, on a bike.

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In a recent health and safety seminar, UCI medical director Xavier Bigard indicated that the guidelines are more about appearance than actually preventing COVID-19 transmission. “As a doctor, I can say that the risk of becoming infected by hugging is not particularly high. However, it is all about the message we want to send to the world, and more specifically to cycling fans. Namely that it is forbidden to touch other people if we want to stop the virus.”

Overall, the revised coronavirus protocol is still very similar to what the UCI initially released in June 2020. In addition to the new hug ban, the UCI also stressed the importance of using reliable masks that are made from a material that can effectively protect against the virus and then wearing it correctly—and here at Bicycling, we agree with that.

These updates are specific to the men’s and women’s WorldTour and the men’s and women’s Pro Series, but the UCI stated that updates will also be coming for Class 1 and Class 2 road, BMX, and mountain bike disciplines.

Service and News Editor

When she’s not out riding her mountain bike, Jessica is an editor for Popular Mechanics. She was previously an editor for Bicycling magazine.