Virginia Tech’s Alan Tisdale was suspended for NBA bets. Are NCAA rules outdated?

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Virginia Tech’s Alan Tisdale was suspended for NBA bets. Are NCAA rules outdated?

Alan Tisdale was suspended for six games for betting on the NBA Finals on FanDuel app. He was 21 at the time and of age to legally participate in online wagering. Online sports gambling has been legal since January 2021 in Virginia. Gambling in any form is an NCAA no-no. The Supreme Court's 2018 decision to end the federal ban on sports wagsering is expected to become more common. The Hokies try to do things right. Coach Brent Pry didn't want to further jeopardize his player's eligibility. It was not enough consideration given for how things shook out.

Alan Tisdale was suspended for three-quarters of his senior season for betting on NBA games. He was an early graduate with three A's and a B. Tiddale is trying to make it on the dean's list this semester. He is on a scout team. The Hokies coach Chris Marve praises him for his perseverance. It was a demotion for a player who has 18 career starts. His grades are good. They are on their way to making the Dean's List. For the past two decades, there was no precedent for an athlete reporting gambling. There were few cases in which an player self-reported gambling, so the NCAA didn't consider that.

The NCAA has a strict stance on gambling. It's against the rules to bet on sports. In 2016, 24 percent of male student-athletes reported betting on sport in the previous year. Just under 2 percent met the standard diagnostic criteria for problem gambling, before the expansion of legalized betting. Rick Neuheisel was fired as Washington’s football coach in 2003 in part for participating in neighborhood gambling pools on the NCAA Tournament.

The NCAA has a gambling harm education program for its members. The NCAA is committed to continuing research and monitoring efforts. Some of the deals between sportsbooks and athletic departments are in the seven figures. The rules regarding gambling have been the same for the past two decades. There have also been some point shaving scandals in college basketball. In 1995, Maryland quarterback Scott Milanovich was suspended for gambling on college sports. Five University of Richmond baseball players were suspended in 2017 for online sports wagering.

The Boston College and Arizona State scandals put the integrity of the games in doubt. Milanovich bet on college sports as a college athlete. Calvin Ridley got a year-long ban after an investigation concluded he made bets on NFL games during the 2021 season. Players are allowed to bet but only on professional, college or international sports. The NBA has similar rules for its players. Gambling is legal for anyone 21 or older in most states. Some states prohibit betting on in-state college teams.

Alan Tisdale was suspended for six games for betting on sports. He was caught out by head coach Pry. Tisidale will be eligible to play the following week against Miami. He and his girlfriend have a son who will turn 2 the day after Thanksgiving. They need the money for diapers and formula. The NCAA cannot randomly search athletes’ phones for gambling activity. FanDuel is not running to the NCAA with a list of names.

Alan Tisdale was suspended for NBA bets. He didn't want to hurt the team. Gwinn thinks NCAA rules are outdated. The NCAA should focus on the pieces that matter at the level these days.