We rated 15 horses racing at Blinkers based entirely on their names

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We rated 15 horses racing at Blinkers based entirely on their names

Blinkers Student Racenight is a last minute cheer before the sobering reality of the first semester exam season sinks in. Some of them are here to win a few quid with a well-placed bet, some of us have no idea how horse racing works, but are happy to be here all the same.

Skilled Warrior is a solid name for a horse. Total Wipeout is also a good name.

Circoloco is 14th in the race at Blinkers.

13.5/10 – The horse's name is majestic but serious.

The 15 horses racing at Blinkers were rated based on their names.

11.6.5/10 is a romantic Robbie Williams song.

Bringitonboris got 10.5/10.

Rah and his friends went to Agilulf over the summer.

Tilly the filly is self-descriptive and simple.

Graph rated 15 horses racing at Blinkers based entirely on their names.

6.2/10 – I would pay just to see how janky this horse walks.

Sharrabang is a funky name for a horse racing at Blinkers.

The rating of 15 horses at Blinkers is based entirely on their names.

Luciabelle is the underdog in the list of horses racing at Blinkers.

RuPaul's Drag Race winner Amaysmont is 9.5/10.

@Blinkers is back tomorrow, 7th October. We rated 15 horses racing at Blinkers based entirely on their names.