What football leagues offer the best returns for bettors?

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What football leagues offer the best returns for bettors?

Football is among the biggest betting markets in the world. Globally, it’s estimated that around $70 billion is spent every year on football betting around the world. In the UK, for example, football betting by far accounts for the largest proportion of betting figures at over £900 million per year. Unsurprisingly, then, as seen on comparison betting sites, football betting operators have begun to offer odds on virtually all major football leagues—leaving a big question about which league offers the best returns for betting. Today, we’re going to compare some leagues and the betting returns you can expect from them.

Serie A

Firstly, we have the Italian Serie A. This is the top league in Italy and has been running for close to a century. The league features 20 teams of some of the best footballing talent in Europe, and so naturally it provides some great returns for bettors. Minimum pay outs for wins are generally no lower than 90.03%, and you can expect highs of 96.49%–and you won’t do much better than this in European football in general.

The league features some of the most consistent and successful teams in European football, so this makes the Serie A a great league to bet on.


Next we have the Bundesliga, another great European league when it comes to returns for bettors. Broadly speaking, the percentages of returns from betting on Bundesliga games and markets is similar to what you can expect from the Serie A. Minimum pay outs sit around 90.61%–so marginally higher than the Serie A. But as far as maximum pay outs, at 96.49%, the two are about the same. So, you’ve got a lower floor with the Bundesliga, and so this makes it another great league for returns on your betting.

Again, with teams like Bayern Munich among the 18 teams that compete in the Bundesliga, you’ve got some of the best footballing talent in Europe in the Bundesliga.


The EFL Championship is naturally another of the best football events to bet on when it comes to returns on your bets. The Championship is among the most viewed football leagues in the world, and this added attention naturally brings a lot of advantageous opportunities to bet. You’ll be able to bet on just about every fixture of the Championship, so it’s an endless well of great potential bets.

Returns start much higher than either of the European leagues we’ve discussed. Your minimum returns are about 91.72%, and maximum around 95.77%–so much more consistent than you can expect from Serie A or the Bundesliga.

Premier League

Finally, of course, the best league for returns on your bets is undoubtedly the English Premier League. The Premier League is the biggest footballing league certainly in Europe and arguably in the world, being broadcast to a potential TV audience of around 4.7 billion people. Returns on bets start higher and end higher than every other league on the planet, more or less. At minimum, you can expect around 92.31% return on your bets, as a starting floor. At the top end, you can expect 98.59% returns on your bets—by far higher than any other league in Europe or even the world. This definitely makes the Premier League the best returns on your bets in any football league in the world.

Some of the best football talent in the world plays in the English Premier League, and some of the teams with the best track record ever seen in the sport’s history. With this in mind, then, you know that you can follow reliable teams that will offer consistently great returns on your bets.

It will come as no great surprise that the best football leagues to bet on are generally the biggest ones. The English Premier League is easily the best football league for betting returns for a variety of reasons, but the simplest explanation is just the fact that it is by far the most viewed of all football leagues. Therefore you will always find lucrative offers and promotions from bettors, as well as fiercely competitive odds from the bookmakers. But there are still plenty of other great European leagues to bet on for good returns.