When will Blackhawks promote Kevin Korchinski to the NHL? Powers’ mailbag, part 2

The Athletic
When will Blackhawks promote Kevin Korchinski to the NHL? Powers’ mailbag, part 2

Let’s pick up where we left off. As promised, part two of the Blackhawks’ mailbag.

What will the Blackhawks’ defense look like in 2025 with the emergence of world junior players? — Blair C.

You would think a lot of the Blackhawks’ current defenseman prospects in the pipeline are ready in 2025. I’m sold on Kevin Korchinski, Alex Vlasic and Wyatt Kaiser being future NHL players. I think Isaak Phillips, Ian Mitchell, Ethan Del Mastro, Nolan Allan, Louis Crevier, Alec Regula, Jakub Galvas, Filip Roos and Sam Rinzel all have a chance to varying degrees. Rinzel probably has the most upside of that group, but time will tell if he develops as the Blackhawks hope. I don’t think he’s in the NHL by 2025. Seth Jones and Connor Murphy are both signed going into the 2025-26 season, so there’s a chance both are still with the Blackhawks. If that’s the case, the defense may look like this:

Kevin Korchinski — Seth Jones

Wyatt Kaiser — Alex Vlasic

Ethan Del Mastro/Nolan Allan/Isaak Phillips — Connor Murphy

If Kane and/or Toews approached GM Kyle Davidson to be traded, would the GM ever consider proposing to Kane or Toews, ‘Hey what if we trade you at the deadline, load up picks as a result and then re-sign you again in the summer?’ This then would give the players a shot at the playoffs, maximize picks, speed up the rebuild and the players can finish their careers in Chicago. — Logan R.

I don’t think anything like this is in the cards right now. As of today, the Blackhawks are preparing for this to be Kane and Toews’ last season with the organization. If Kane and/or Toews expressed a desire to re-sign, that would change things, but I don’t think the Blackhawks are coming to them with contracts or any scenarios to return. Honestly, I don’t think the Blackhawks’ rebuild can accelerate quickly enough where Kane and Toews are guaranteed another shot at a Cup. Anyway, we should know more about their futures in the coming weeks.

In past articles, you and Laz speculated that Toews and Kane would most likely come back to finish their careers as Blackhawks whether they agree to be traded or decide to not be traded. Now, in a recent article, you guys speculate that neither one of them want to come back next season for the Blackhawks. What has changed their (Kane/Toews) minds? — Brian D.

I think a couple of things have happened this season. For one, it doesn’t sound like the organization has made any pitch for them to re-sign. There would have been contract talks well before now if that was a likely possibility. Maybe that changes, but I doubt it. Secondly, I think this season has worn on both of them more than expected. They came into this season thinking they could defy everyone’s expectations and carry this team potentially into the playoffs. That obviously isn’t what has happened. Kane and Toews’ windows to win again are closing and I think they’re aware of that. Also, in Kane’s case, I think not having someone he clicks with on the ice as he has before has been challenging for him this season. He’d like to end his career playing with someone like that again.

If Toews and Kane decide to stay in Chicago and not be traded at the deadline, what kind of contract could we expect them to be offered for next season? I’m guessing the total NMC would be reattached. — David J.

To be clear, I don’t foresee Kane or Toews re-signing. But if they somehow did, I think the Blackhawks pay them a lot to help reach the cap floor, sign for a short-term deal (one-to-two years) and possibly offer some sort of limited no-movement trade clause, maybe something where they can each have a 10-team no-trade list. The Blackhawks don’t want to be in a situation where they’re too restricted by no-movement clauses again in the future. But again, I think the organization and both players have come to terms with moving on either at the deadline or after this season, and this is unlikely.

What magnitude of revenue loss are the Hawks expecting for this year and next year as attendance fades with the tank, and does that have any bearing on ownership’s strategy with respect to salary cap management going forward? — Rowen B.

I don’t have access to the Blackhawks’ financial books, but I do know they’ve been drawing more fans than they expected this season. I also do think the organization is aware they can’t put this type of product out on the ice for many years and expect fans to continue to support them. If Kane and Toews leave, that changes things, too. Unless they have someone like Connor Bedard to market in their place, that’s going to be another major hurdle in attracting fans. If you walk around the United Center now, Kane and Toews’ jerseys are pretty much all you see. I guess one money-saving method for the Blackhawks next season might be their salary cap. The Blackhawks may struggle just to get to the cap floor next season.

What would be the perfect scenario for the Blackhawks next year to have a legitimate shot at the playoffs? What would be the bare minimum it takes to return to the playoffs? — Joshua X.

I don’t see the playoffs as a realistic goal next season. The Blackhawks do need to start taking steps forward in their rebuild. I think the No. 1 objective next season has to be to get more players envisioned to be part of the future into their NHL lineup. Lukas Reichel has to be up in the NHL. Alex Vlasic should be there. Korchinski has to be given every opportunity to make the team. If they draft Bedard or Adam Fantilli, they’re absolutely going to be in the NHL. Leo Carlsson is a possibility, too. Fans seem to have bought into the plan this season, but they need something more to stick around in coming years. They need some hope, and the best way to provide that is to play young, promising players.

When would have been the best time to have fired Bowman? Just curious. — Peter L.

Probably right along with Joel Quenneville or just after that season. Stan Bowman seemed to convince everyone in the front office that Quenneville was the problem and a new coach would fix that. When a new coach came in and failed too, it was pretty evident the issue wasn’t simply coaching. Instead of being fired, Bowman directed the Blackhawks through three more offseasons and buried the organization even further.

Is there any chance that fifth-year seniors Jake Wise or Slava Demin get signed to either an AHL or NHL deal, or have their rights traded for a sixth- or seventh-round pick rather than letting them walk away? Will Dominic Basse be signed if he continues to play well at St. Cloud State? — Raymond K.

I think Wise is a possibility. It might be signing an AHL deal, as you mentioned, but I don’t think the Blackhawks have written him off. I expect them to walk away from Slava Demin. It doesn’t sound like he’s on their radar and probably doesn’t have any trade value. As for Basse, I do think the Blackhawks are closely monitoring his development. This season has been a surprise for them. I could see him returning to school for another season and then possibly signing. With goalies, contracts can be so difficult just because they only have so many roster spots, and Drew Commesso may already sign after this season.

When do the trades start? — J.D.

Things usually don’t start picking up until closer to the deadline. We’re still more than a month out. Patience, everyone.

Would you continue your season tickets for this team if they are able to get the No. 1 pick? What about if they didn’t? Asking for a friend … sorta — Michael P.

If they get the No. 1 pick, I’d stick around. Bedard will be worth the price of admission. If not, I’d wait to see what they do this offseason. Personally, and maybe because I’m not rich, I don’t think fans should just give teams their money regardless of the product they’re putting out. I think most people gave the Blackhawks a pass this season. Having Kane and Toews still around certainly helped that, too. But a season from now, if the team has little hope of winning and there aren’t many promising and entertaining players on the ice, I’d hold out. Plus, tickets are so easy to obtain on the secondary market right now.

Scott, what are the odds that Korchinski is in the NHL next season? Patience is a virtue, and the organization has been guilty of rushing young players in the past. That said, the Hawks should not overcorrect and hold guys back if they are ready. It doesn’t seem like there’s much left for the kid to learn in the WHL. He’s been a point-per-game player as a D-man for a season and a half now. — Jason B.

I don’t have an absolute answer about this, but I think the Blackhawks believe he could be ready for the NHL next season. His play in training camp opened some eyes, and he’s continued to play well throughout this season. All signs are pointing to him being close to NHL-ready. I do think we might have a better idea about this during the offseason, too. The Blackhawks are going to build a team this summer with next season’s roster in mind. That said, it could always depend on his play during next training camp. But if I was betting? I’d bet on him being in their NHL lineup next season.

The two defensemen taken in the first round of last year’s draft, Korchinski and Rinzel, are nearly identical ages. The discussion around Rinzel has been that he’s a “long-term project” whereas it seems Korchinski could slot in as one of the Hawks’ better defensemen right now. How do scouts and GMs project the timeline of a prospect’s development? If all goes according to plan, what do the next few years of Rinzel’s journey look like? — James R.

A lot of it has to do with development path and actual development. Korchinski has been playing in the WHL since the 2020-21 season. So, he’s been playing a high level of hockey for a few years now and has been one of the best players in recent years. As for Rinzel, he’s mainly played high school hockey up until this season. Minnesota high school is good, but it’s definitely not to the level of the USHL or WHL. Plus, Rinzel only started putting himself on the map the past year or so, and a lot of that has to do with his projection as a skater.

Korchinski is much further along in a lot of different areas than Rinzel, but Rinzel’s skating is so elite at his size that the Blackhawks believe his ceiling can be massive if given the right amount of time to develop. Rinzel is playing this season in the USHL and then is expected to play at least a few seasons at the University of Minnesota. You’re talking about two-to-four years until Rinzel could be in the NHL. Korchinski could be there next season.

(Top photo of Kevin Korchinski: Jon Durr / USA Today)