Why Are Testosterone Levels Declining?

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Why Are Testosterone Levels Declining?

Studies show that age-specific testosterone levels in men have been in a slow and consistent decline for several decades. Endocrinologist Kevin Pantalone, DO, explains why and how the trend can be reversed.

What's considered low testosterone? Testosterone is an androgen, or sex hormone.

Low testosterone is a condition where your testicles don't produce enough testosterone. It's generally considered anything below 250 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl) for adults. American Urology Association sets the bar higher at 300 ng/DL.

It's normal for testosterone levels to decline as people age. The average drop is about 1% per year after age 30. However, the average is edging closer to the "low" range.

There is a drop in testosterone levels. People with their health status are more likely to have a decline in the level of testosterone.

The downturn in testosterone levels and higher numbers on the bathroom scale are linked. Excessive weight and elevated BMI put stress on your body, which seems to affect testosterone production.

If you exercise regularly, you may be increasing your testosterone levels. Long-distance running and cycling can lower testosterone. Physical activity is also important for maintaining a healthy weight.

A well-balanced, nutritious diet puts your body in a position to produce testosterone. Low-fat diets may lead to slightly lower testosterone levels. However, low- fat diets are not associated with overall low testosterone and can contribute to weight gain and other health issues.

Alcohol consumption decreases testosterone production.

Your testosterone levels are highest in the morning after your body recharges while sleeping. Sleep apnea can disrupt the normal sleep cycle and cause a decline in testosterone production.

There are more than 800 endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) used in everyday products. EDCs may be a contributing cause to declines in testosterone.

As people age, their testosterone levels drop. Poor overall health is compounding the problem. Making lifestyle changes like exercising more and eating better can improve your numbers.

Most people don't know their testosterone level. It's not a regular screening or health measurement. Testosterone levels are usually assessed if someone has symptoms such as low sex drive, chronic fatigue, or erectile dysfunction.