#William Trudeau

Canadiens Battle For A Roster Spot On Defense At Training Camp

Canadiens Battle For A Roster Spot On Defense At Training Camp

Montreal Canadiens training camp has been very fast paced and competitive thus far. Having finished dead last in the standings last season, they find themselves in a situation where changes are to be expected. After all, it is said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,…
Canadiens Camp Notes: Owen Beck Continues To Impress

Canadiens Camp Notes: Owen Beck Continues To Impress

MONTREAL - The annual Red Vs. White scrimmage at the Bell Center was the perfect opportunity for players such as Owen Beck to drive home the point that they deserve to be at the top of the Montreal Canadiens organizational prospect ranking list. Where It's At If you were to remove the names from the jerseys and try to guess which player was drafted…