‘You Got to Believe’ will be partially filmed in London, Ont.

CTV News London
‘You Got to Believe’ will be partially filmed in London, Ont.

Little is known about the movie 'You Got to Believe' that is set to begin filming Wednesday. The production will make three stops in London, Ont. The first will be on June 23.

“Canada and Ontario and the regions around Toronto and other areas are becoming quite famous in Los Angeles and other places as a great place to bring movies. We have fantastic actors here, crew, and locations,” said Jackie English, the production coordinator for Hanger 18 media.

No details, such as cast or plot, have been released by the production team.

However, a post by Hanger 18 media in a casting call for extras describes the film as, “A heart wrenching and inspiring independent feature film telling the incredible story of a Texan Little league baseball team making it against all odds to the 2002 Little league World Series.”

“We’re entrusted here with now recreating that whole magic. And we looked at stadiums all over the area and we just loved the London Stadium in particular. It’s got that sort of old school love of baseball feeling that is going to look so good in the movie,” English added.

Labatt Memorial Park was chosen among a few other baseball diamonds in Southern Ontario as shooting locations.

“[The location manager] reached out maybe a couple of months ago, and they knew they were doing a baseball movie,” said Film London Manager Andrew Dodd. “They knew they wanted it to be in shot in Ontario. And so, of course, Labatt entered their radar and they reached out to us at the film office and said, ‘What can you tell us about Labatt Park?’”

A call went out Friday for those interested in being extras for film dates on June 23, as well as July 12 and 13.

This would be primarily fans in the stands, but they are also looking for Talent that will be on the field.

“I'm also looking for some very talented 12-year-old baseball players, male, to play that opposing team in that final game. We need an umpire. And when we look for those kids, for the opposing team, we need all the positions,” said English.

Interested umpires and youth male players can email the production team at [email protected].

They ask that you include your city, a picture, age, skills, email address, and why you want to be in the movie.