Alloy Sports NFL Week 1 Football Betting Strategy: 'The Road Grader' offers 3 picks

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Alloy Sports NFL Week 1 Football Betting Strategy: 'The Road Grader' offers 3 picks

Alloy Sports NFL Week 1 Football Betting Strategy: 'The Road Grader' offers 3 picks. This week’s forecast will focus on the Roadgrader Strategy. The RoadGrader strategy looks for teams with a power rushing attack and a disciplined offense.

Alloy Sports NFL Week 1 Football Betting Strategy: 'The Road Grader' offers 3 picks. This strategy is backtested over the course of two seasons and it's profitable when the team to bet on is in the heavy or close underdogs bucket ATS.

Alloy Sports NFL Week 1 Football Betting Strategy: 'The Road Grader' offers 3 picks with a return on investment of 15%.

Road Grader Strategy is a good strategy for betting on the NFL games.