#Mister Donovan

'Kind' billionaire who sent helicopter to his mate rose from bulldozer driver to racing icon & pals with Tiger Woods

'Kind' billionaire who sent helicopter to his mate rose from bulldozer driver to racing icon & pals with Tiger Woods

JP McMANUS' incredible rise has seen the former bulldozer driver become a billionaire famed for his kindness and golden touch with horses. Nicknamed'The Sundance Kid', in true Logan Roy-style McManus once sent a helicopter to rescue a stricken friend. He co-owned Manchester United, is best mates with Tiger Woods and last weekend celebrated his…
Horse Racing
“I want to live every day like it’s my last and someday I’ll be right'

“I want to live every day like it’s my last and someday I’ll be right'

JP McManus nods at the white boards at the other end of the office. It's late September in Martinstown and the rain is coming down in great grey sheets outside. "Our horses in training," he says, gesturing at the names of hundreds of thoroughbreds and their respective trainers. When asked the number he replies, "Marian Finucane once asked me how…
Horse Racing