Morgiana Hurdle Runners: Mullins holds all the aces
Morgiana Hurdle Runners: Mullins holds all the aces

A race that has seen some of Ireland's best two mile hurdlers take the title is the Morgiana Hurdle, which will take place this Sunday November 26th at Punchestown. This year it looks like State Man will be able to retain his crown without too much fuss as only six rivals are entered (with one highly likely to miss the race), but it could still be an enjoyable spectacle. Here we take a look at all of the septet and their chances of glory...

Willie Mullins has won this race an incredible 11 out of the last 12 renewals, with the 1-2-3 notched in 2022 for good measure. Neither Saldier the third or Sharjah the second will take part in 2023, but the impressive winner STATE MAN will do and he sets the standard without a doubt. Installed as a 3/10 favourite by firms that have priced the race antepost. If IMPAIRE ET PASSE were a suspected runner he could even be favourite ahead of last year's Champion Hurdle runner-up, such was the impression he made in romping to Ballymore glory, but he will be withdrawn by the master of Closutton to give State Man a free run. Expect to see Imparie Et Passe out in the Hatton's Grace very soon for his seasonal debut.

State Man, one suspects, will be remembered as an unfortunate horse, simply born in the wrong era. He is probably good enough to win most of the last 10 Champion Hurdles, but with Constitution Hill now dominating the two mile hurdling sphere he looks destined for a career as a bridesmaid. Nevertheless, he can still mop up Grade Ones over in Ireland away from the Cheltenham Festival, and that is what we can expect here if he is tuned up to anywhere even close to 80%. Mullins' other two entrants (barring the expected to be absent Impaire Et Passe) are Echoes in Rain and Ashroe Diamond, two likeable mares but by no means Grade One performers.

Of the duo Echoes In Rain may be the better bet to chase home the jolly, but the biggest danger to most eyes is surely Pied Piper for Gordon Elliott. He was nowhere near good enough for State Man, never mind Constitution Hill, in 2022/23 but that season straight out of juvenile company is always tough and he could well be a real improver this season. His brilliant second place in the Cesarewitch on the flat lately showed he was in rude health and perhaps if State Man is not tuned up properly for his first outing Pied Piper can take advantage.

Away from the aforementioned quintet there are just two other entrants, both from Gordon Elliott. Irish Point is by far the more interesting of the duo, with the Aintree winner looking a definite three miler in time. Gordon Elliott's assertion that he will be kept to two miles for now was surprising to hear recently, and the suspicion is once he is heavily outpaced here he may well go up in trip again. A potentially interesting Stayers' Hurdle outsider, it would be amazing were he to be quick enough to beat the likes of State Man or his stablemate Pied Piper, who are both bona fide two milers.

Finally, the outsider of the whole field is Fils D'oudairies. 25/1 looks fair enough for a horse that certainly had promise when with Nicky Henderson, but has somewhat stagnated. He finished a good second to the obvious handicap blot Langer Dan at Aintree a couple of seasons back for Henderson, but was then moved over to Ireland to be trained by Elliott. He has been kept busy and has some decent form figures on his resume, but doesn't look quite graded class.

At this stage the race result looks pretty certain, but as always it will be informative to see how the marked judges State Man as the race draws closer. If he is strong we can be assured he is fit and firing for day one like he was last season, but if not then Mullins' charge could need the run and that may pave the way for a mini upset in the shape of a race fit Pied Piper.