Sean Payton hiring shifts Denver Broncos odds at DraftKings
Sean Payton hiring shifts Denver Broncos odds at DraftKings

You knew the move to hire Sean Payton would send shock waves throughout the NFL.

The huge move by the Denver Broncos had an immediate impact on the sports betting world as well.

Prior to the news of the Broncos acquiring Payton from the New Orleans Saints, their 2024 Super Bowl odds at DraftKings Sportsbook were +4,000. Shortly after the news, DraftKings shifted Denver to +2,800. That’s now the ninth-best odds to win the Super Bowl.

And that’s just after the news of Payton.

If Greg Penner, George Paton and Payton make any moves in NFL free agency, those odds will shrink again.

If you’re looking for value on the Broncos, now would be a good time to jump on them before there’s another adjustment.

At least for now, the 2024 Super Bowl odds are the only future markets available at DraftKings.