T25 revisited: Once again, we were wrong in our analysis

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T25 revisited: Once again, we were wrong in our analysis

The Top 25 Under 25 ranking of Maple Leafs prospects is revisited. Once again, they were wrong in their analysis.

The official voting list from the 2022 T25 is the official list.

The T25 analysis was wrong. The individual votes are preserved here. There is also a community vote.

Grebyonkin didn't get enough votes. Ovchinnikov hasn't been it this year. Nick Abruzzese, Pontus Holmberg, Joey Anderson, and Alex Steeves were going to be in the AHL this season. SDA's ranking at 21 seems notably low. Hardev wonders if Nick Robertson is a top-five prospect in T25. Kokkonen over Král and Hollowell seems a miss. Catch-67 is clearly the best player out of his AHL depth guy class. He has scored at a point-per-game pace in his one NHL game.

Brigstew, Katya, Hardev, Catch-67, Species and Catch 67 are discussing their own mistakes. They all agree that they overhyped Ovchinnikov and Abramov. They also think they were too high on Robertson. The results are as follows: . Brigstel, Katieya and Harde have overhhypnotized Ov chinnika, Abruzzese, Holmberg, William Villeneuve, and Mete.

Brigstew, Katya and Hardev were wrong in their analysis of the Top 25. They were right about some players. They also were correct about others. The list is as follows: Minten at #8, Voit at 10, Grebyonkin at 18, Král at 11, Matt Knies at 3, Mason Marchment at 9, Joey Anderson at 12, and Holmberg at 15. Harde had Holmborg ahead of AHLers. Katyya had Kracil at No. 11. She also had Matt knies ahead. It's a year too late for bragging rights about saying he was better than people thought.

Catch-67 voted for SDA, who has been good this year.

Brigstew, Katya and Hardev were wrong in their analysis of the T25. Brigstel thinks Grebyonkin and Akhtyamov are misses, while Akhytya has had a great year in the VHL. Katyya doesn't believe in junior hockey points or KHL save %. Harde thinks Mac Hollowell is not unplayable, but he didn't rank him.

The Leafs added Conor Timmins. Brigstew, Katya, Hardev and Catch-67 were wrong in their analysis of him. They would have ranked him somewhere between 6 and 10th. He would be somewhere in the Joey Anderson zone. Now he would probably be between 18 and 9th place. His current position is probably closer to 10. It's a pity that he didn't play more for the Avalanche.

Keith Petruzzelli was signed by the Leafs in an emergency situation. Brigstew liked him before, but he didn't rank him in his top 25. Katya wouldn't have ranked him then, and she wouldn’t now. Hardev doesn't see his case for either. Catch-67 doesn”t think he‘s worth ranking.