Baas is nou klaas: Springbok coaching job has lost its prestige and bosses must simplify Rassie’s role
Baas is nou klaas: Springbok coaching job has lost its prestige and bosses must simplify Rassie’s role

Whoever comes in as the next Springbok coach must restore the title to its previous glory.

Nothing against incumbent Jacques Nienaber, but he was always going to battle the odds to come out of the shadow cast by Rassie Erasmus.

Therefore, when he was named Springbok coach back in the day, to me, at least, the title lost some of its esteem.

It now feels like the coach is just the director’s skivvy.

Whenever the Boks were in trouble after 2019, people always wanted to know wat gaan Rassie nou doen?

When they did well, it was Rassie’s genius. And South Africa’s director of rugby did little not to have the attention on him.

That’s why I think the title of Springbok coach is a bit of a no-go at the moment for established coaches. That title - once arguably the toughest job in South Africa -has to be restored somehow.

I guess the answer lies at the top - in the director’s box.

As long as Rassie’s there, I can’t see a top coach wanting that position. Just typing that leaves me with a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth. It’s the springbok coaching job for crying out loud. The dream job!

Anyway, if Rassie is going to remain in the setup - now remember the director has to be equally involved in the women’s game, u20s, Sevens en als wat Saru is in my books - then he has to let go of that title. Take the Springbok head coach job.

Give the office or planning job to someone else if you prefer being on the pitch.

I’ve been vocal about Rassie’s doen en late on social media, but there’s no denying that he is one of the biggest rugby brains the sport has ever seen and will go down as a legend.

The obvious other choice is John Dobson.

But giving him the job while Rassie is still running the show seems to be a bit of a klap innie gesig.

Dobson is “directoring” the living daylights out of Cape rugby within the title of being head coach.

Just read what he had to so when quizzed about the Bok job: “Firstly, nobody’s asked me [to do the job].

“Secondly, it’s not something we’ve talked about [here at the Stormers]. I really believe in this project we’re doing here. We wanna make Cape Town smile… in a funny way - I don’t want so say we’ve overachieved - to have hosted two finals we’re probably ahead where we are. We probably need a bit more depth, a few more players, our pathway system firing, we need to be out under administration and all that sort of stuff.

“So on the surface we look fantastic, but there’s a lot of work still to be done in this project.

“I can’t say to them ‘chaps this means everything to the people of Cape Town’ and then I get foreman’s job or I pack my lunch and say…

“I’m very keen to see this project through, that’s the most important thing for me.”

I hear you Dobbo, so once you’re done here, let’s share our Kaapse joy with the rest of South Africa... as a director and not a coach.