Bach criticises Ukraine for not allowing athletes to compete with Russians
Bach criticises Ukraine for not allowing athletes to compete with Russians

International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach has criticised the Ukrainian Government for "sanctioning" its own athletes by not allowing them to compete with Russians.

Ukraine has banned its athletes from appearing at any competition where Russians are present amid Vladimir Putin's ongoing invasion of the country.

This stance is at odds with Bach and the IOC who believe individual Russians and Belarusians should be allowed to return to international sport under a neutral flag, if they are not a member of the military or in open support of the war.

Many sports have created pathways for the two countries to return, with neutral Russians appearing at events including the World Championships for judo and taekwondo.

No Ukrainians competed at either of these events, as well as others where Russians were involved.

"What does all this mean for the Ukrainian athletes?" said Bach at today's Extraordinary IOC Session. 

"Many of them would have liked to compete internationally. 

"Yet, at the respective Judo and Taekwondo World Championships the Ukrainian athletes were absent because they had not been allowed to participate, following the instructions of the Ukrainian Sports Ministry.  

"In other words, the Ukrainian athletes are being sanctioned by their own Government for the war that has been started by the Russian and Belarusian Governments. 

"It is hard to understand why the Ukrainian Government is depriving their own athletes from their chance to qualify for the Olympic Games Paris 2024 and to make the Ukrainian people proud. 

"It is hard to understand why Ukrainian athletes are allowed to compete in tennis but not in table tennis. 

"It is hard to understand why they are allowed to compete in cycling but not in swimming. 

"It is hard to understand why in fencing, a Ukrainian athlete can compete in discipline A, while his Ukrainian team-mate cannot compete in discipline B."

Bach said he wanted to see Ukrainian athletes competing at the Paris 2024 Olympics - where an Opening Ceremony involving boats of athletes on the River Seine is planned.

However, this appears unlikely if Russian neutrals appear in the French capital and qualification events have already begun.

"What the entire Olympic community and in fact the entire world is longing for is Ukrainian athletes shining brightly in international competitions," said Bach. 

"We all want them to have the opportunity to qualify for the Olympic Games Paris 2024. 

"This means participating now in the qualification events, so that they can make the Ukrainian people proud - showing  the resilience of the Ukrainian people and of the Ukrainian Olympic community.  

"We want to give them this opportunity to qualify and finally participate in the Olympic Games.  

"Imagine for one moment, what this would mean - the rapturous welcome of the Ukrainian Olympic team by hundreds of thousands of live spectators along the River Seine, the wave of enthusiasm cheering on the Ukrainian athletes in their competitions, watched by billions of people around the globe who are following the Olympic Games. 

"What a powerful demonstration of resilience and of determination. 

"What a moment of pride, joy and hope for all Ukrainian people.  

"For all these reasons, we - the Olympic Movement - want to make it possible for every Ukrainian athlete to qualify now and to participate next year in the Olympic Games.  

"Therefore, through the respective International Federation, we will support every Ukrainian athlete in their preparation and participation in any competition that they want to take part in - so that they can make the Ukrainian people proud."

Bach highlighted that Russian athletes with intellectual disabilities had been banned from the ongoing Special Olympics in Berlin and said the IOC was under attack from both sides.

"The Russian side wants us to ignore the war," he said.

"The Ukrainian side wants us to totally isolate anyone with a Russian and Belarusian passport. 

"Either position is diametrically opposed to our mission and the Olympic Charter."

Bach criticised the Polish Government after the European Fencing Championships were moved to Bulgaria due to the country's stance on Russia.

He praised the staging of the Judo and Taekwondo World Championships which he said proved sport could continue harmoniously with neutral athletes involved.

"Contrary to what the naysayers were claiming, none of these competitions collapsed in chaos," he said.

"The athletes competed with respect for each other and with respect for the rules of sport. 

"Through statements and in conversations, the athletes made it clear that they want to compete against the best athletes of the world, no matter where they come from. 

"They want to feel like true world or European champions. 

"They do not want to see any athlete being punished for the actions of their Governments."