Baselala, Murray, Baca, Sarasau, Tudulu and Tagivetaua make Fijian Drua Under 20 side for the Super Rugby NZ
Baselala, Murray, Baca, Sarasau, Tudulu and Tagivetaua make Fijian Drua Under 20 side for the Super Rugby NZ
Baselala, Murray, Baca, Sarasau, Tudulu and Tagivetaua make Fijian Drua Under 20 side for the Super Rugby NZ

Six players who were part of the Fijian-Under 20 squad last year have made the cut for the Fijian Drua Under-20 side named for Super Rugby NZ Competition while others selected are from the Skipper Cup and Vodafone Vanua Championship.

The six players are Philip Baselala, Motikai Murray, Erami Baca, Eroni Sarasau, Waisea Tudulu and Kavaia Tagivetaua.

Fijian Drua Under-20 Head Coach Ifereimi Rawaqa says they are blessed to be part of this competition which will give the players a wealth of experience for future international meets.

He says they will be using this competition as our build-up for the Junior World Championship and he believes the players will gain a lot of exposure and experience playing these top teams in the competition which starts on Sunday.

Rawaqa says we are the new team in the Super Rugby Competition and their first game is against the Blues which is their focus right now.

Motikai Murray has been named the captain of the side.

Fijian Drua Under-20 squad :

Loose Head Props

Breyton Legge

Sitiveni Tamani

Samuela Soqovata


Kavaia Tagivetaua

Joeli Nainoca

Tight Head Prop

Eroni Sarasau

Lasaro Vuluma

Josua Kina

Emosi Natubailagi


Joeli Niubalavu

Mesake Vocevoce

Setariki Turagacoke

Nailani May


Waisea Tudulu

Ibenizer Navula

Number Eight

Motikai Murray {C}

Juda Saumaisue

Timoci Nakalevu


Philip Baseilala

Napolioni Batimala


Ponipate Tuberi

Tevita Sovau

Inside Backs

Tavite Kotobalavu

Tomasi Tuitatava

Outside Backs

Tevita Bukaniyava

Manieta Navonovono

Maika Tuitubou


Erami Baca

Masiwini Sireli