Bookmaker sponsorships dominate Brazilian football

iGaming Brazil
Bookmaker sponsorships dominate Brazilian football

Bookmaker sponsorships are dominating the elite of Brazilian football. Currently, the sector is present or negotiating to be in all 20 first division clubs, either as master sponsorship or in other parts of the kit. This means that these betting brands are increasingly important in the main national sport.

Recently, the Goiás Public Prosecutor’s Office announced an investigation into a match-fixing scheme for Serie B games last year, with the intention of generating gains for gamblers. Thus, the regulation of the sector also tends to facilitate the inspection process.

“If there is a large volume of unusual bets, there is no regulation (for this to be supervised). These bets may indicate money laundering or attempts to manipulate results. We do not know what the obligation is to report unusual activities in bookmakers. Without this, there is no punishment. This puts the entire sector at risk. The lack of regulation leaves companies adrift, without knowing their rights and duties”, said Lucas Albuquerque Aguiar, criminal lawyer at Davi Tangerino Advogados, to Portal Uol.

For gamblers, according to the specialist, if there is any difficulty with payment of prizes, for example, it becomes much more complicated to complain or sue for justice, since the companies do not have headquarters in Brazil.

Growth of bookmaker investments

“Among the various benefits of regulation, we understand that the establishment of clear rules and more effective controls stand out to prevent illicit acts such as the misuse of personal data, money laundering practices, or marketing that encourages irresponsible gambling”, said Marcos Sabiá , CEO

Casa de Apostas marketing director, Hans Schleier, stated that the growth of bookmaker sponsorships is bringing about positive results for all involved.

“We have good expectations that it will materialize in the near future. We observe movements happening frequently in the Legislative and we believe that the theme will soon have a positive outcome. It is an important matter and that interests all parties. We hope that soon we will be able to celebrate the regulation of sports betting in Brazil”, he says.

Investigation of alleged case of match fixing

The Goiás Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP-GO) investigates a match-fixing scheme for Série B matches in 2022, with the intention of generating gains for bettors. Players like Romário, formerly of Vila Nova, and Matheusinho, formerly of Sampaio Corrêa, are being investigated in the “Penalidade Máxima” operation.

According to the MP-GO, the system consisted of marking penalties in the first half of the duels. But, there was no penalty kick in one of the games, preventing the success of the bet. Each player involved would pocket R$ 150,000.

Leandro Pamplona, ​​lawyer and member of the OAB/RJ’s Special Commission on Sports, Lottery and Entertainment Law, stated that the regulation tends to help design appropriate punishments for match-fixing.

“The MP’s hands are tied. The Goiás MP launched a recent operation and had to be flexible to frame manipulation in other crimes, such as gangs or embezzlement. Legal gambling has always existed. The best way out is to regulate,” he concluded.