Cape Town celebrates Heritage of only 100 year old Black Rugby Club
Cape Town celebrates Heritage of only 100 year old Black Rugby Club

Langa township’s Busy Bees Rugby Club celebrates heritage in style this weekend and remains the only Black club to have reached the 100-year-milestone in the townships.

The club’s heritage includes being founded in District 6, in 1923, and soon relocated at Langa following the forced removals in the late 1920s.

Club Director of Rugby, Mr Msuthu Kewana, said the celebration was a milestone not only for the club but all black clubs most of whom do not have sponsorship and individuals sustain club operations.

“It is a mystery that we are still in existence. Many clubs founded recently have mostly collapsed due to cost of running a rugby club. Khayelitsha only has one or two new clubs, so is Nyanga and not a single club in Gugulethu. We do not have a field of our own, we running this event without sponsors. The challenges are real for black clubs.”

“Hosting this heritage event is a statement; Busy Bees has always stood for black rugby players against all odds. Interestingly, political activists found it to be a useful vehicle in the volatile 1950s when political activity was banned in our country.”

The Club has produced 1 Springbok in Jongi Nokwe, and a number of women Springboks currently part of SA National set up, Black Springboks Captain, Advocate Temba Mdlalo, as well as a number of provincial players.

Mr Kewana said the vision is to produce a number of other professional players in the next 100 years, and sustain rugby culture in the township where most clubs are just collapsing, and be of value to the community we operate in.

“Langa, despite its rich history, is poor and raven with crime and drugs. Through these celebrations we want our youths to see the beauty of sport. We want to continue to play a role in the broader agenda of social cohesion and transformation in our country.”

A number of activities had been scheduled for the weekend include a Gala dinner, and the Heritage tournament at Langa Stadium, although no sponsor had been secured for the prizes.

Issued by Langa township’s Busy Bees Rugby Club