Coaching great: What rugby league must do to lesson odds of brain injuries

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Coaching great: What rugby league must do to lesson odds of brain injuries

Sir Graham Lowe wants to change the 10-metre rule to five metres in defence. He believes it will be necessary to do this to reduce head injuries. James Graham has "dark spots" on the brain after his rugby league career. He suffered more than 100 concussions and 18,000 collisions. His MRI scan has shown issues linked to repetitive trauma from his career in England and Australia.

Sir Graham Lowe is concerned about brain injuries in rugby league. He believes the game should be safer. In England, a group of players are considering legal action against the sport's administration. The NRL increased the gap between teams to 10 metres about 30 years ago. The game is a tough one and brings some element of risk. It is the nature of sport.