Covered Bridge puts on show during and after winning Gold Cup and Saucer in P.E.I.

Covered Bridge puts on show during and after winning Gold Cup and Saucer in P.E.I.

CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. — Greeting fans against the fence after his historic victory, Covered Bridge won the 64th edition of The Atlantic Lottery Gold Cup and Saucer in the early minutes of Aug. 20 at Red Shores at the Charlottetown Driving Park.

Jordan Stratton was in the bike for the 1:50.3 victory on a windy night for trainer Jeff Gillis and owner Mark Ford of New York.

American History (driven by Dale Spence) was first to the lead in the $100,000 event and laid down torrid fractions of 26.1 and 53.4. Funatthebeach N (Scott Young) came calling up the backside and cleared to the lead past the three-quarters in 1:22.4.

Covered Bridge left from the trailing Post 9 and followed out the Post 2 entry, Lawless Shadow (Tyler Moore), to get away fifth. Covered Bridge moved out into the flow at the half, then tipped three-wide up the backside to try and track down Funatthebeach N.

Funatthebeach N finished second, and P L Ozzy (Jody Jamieson) was third.

The 14-dash program had a record wager of $647,000.

“I was starting to panic really (at the three-quarter pole),” Stratton said. “I almost think Scott Young didn’t see my horse coming.

“I’ve driven Funatthebeach N, and if he saw a horse at his throat latch, I don’t think he would have let me by.”

The race did not go the way Stratton, a top driver in New York harness racing, expected.

“Going in, I thought Jody (Jamieson driving PL Ozzy from Post 1) was going to be ultra-aggressive, but he kind of caught me off guard,” Stratton said. “His horse runs in a bit on the turn, so he was careful and put me in a bad spot.

“I ended up being wide on the backside and wide on the last turn, but (Covered Bridge) overcame it and found the wire. He is just a great horse.”

Long time

Gillis said it was a moment 20 years in the making since his first try in the Gold Cup and Saucer with Ramonne.

“What I don’t think everybody understands is this race is important to more than just Maritimers,” said Gillis, from Inverness, N.S. “Americans are equally excited about this race.

“The crowd, the atmosphere, the adrenaline. This might not be the best race for the pocketbook, but it’s the best one out there for the heart.”

“What I don’t think everybody understands is this race is important to more than just Maritimers. Americans are equally excited about this race.”

Jeff Gillis

Ford threw some jokes towards driver Stratton while admitting his appreciation for the reinsman flying to P.E.I. for this race.

“Jordan said just get me a mount, the money means nothing, I don’t even have to pay him,” Ford said in the winner’s circle while Stratton kneeled over laughing. “It brings a tear to my eye.”

A jokester by trade, Ford has tried to win the Gold Cup and Saucer before but always fell short, in tries with lifelong friend the late Mike MacDonald of Charlottetown.

“I wish Mike was around but it’s part of life,” Ford said. “I’ve been fortunate to win the Nat Christie in Calgary and the North America Cup, but they pale in comparison to this.

“This is unbelievable. This is Harness Racing 101. It’s very impressive what you guys accomplish here.”

“This is unbelievable. This is Harness Racing 101.It’s very impressive what you guys accomplish here.”

Mark Ford

After winning the race, Stratton and Covered Bridge stopped by the turn to greet all the fans with the driver speaking to many of them individually while hearing congratulations and welcoming messages to P.E.I.

“It was phenomenal,” Stratton said. “I couldn’t ask for more hospitality. You have to be thankful for the crowd.

“They could have just left after the last race, but they stuck around to say congratulations and pat the horse. He is a good horse, he stood there with his ears forward. He is an ambassador himself, the horse.”