David Walsh reveals how he pulled off biggest gamble and won $60million German lotto

Summarized by: Live Sports Direct
David Walsh reveals how he pulled off biggest gamble and won $60million German lotto

David Walsh won $60million in a German lottery six months ago. He was part of a syndicate that spent $11million to purchase one million tickets. It was one of his biggest paydays, including a $63million windfall on a horse race in Japan on Christmas Eve.

David Walsh founded Australia's MONA art gallery north of Hobart. He made his fortune playing cards, betting on horse races and in lotteries. Mr Walsh is part of a successful syndicate that is gambling around $10billion a year. He is locked in an 'endless fight' with the Australian Taxation Office. The risk of failing as a gambler is higher than succeeding. About nine in 10 people go broke. It's the same principle that applies to successful investors and bosses. They acquire the system that worked by luck. it's not as result of skill.