Defying Odds, American Horse Racing Stable Expresses Gratitude to Media Following Reconstruction Journey

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Defying Odds, American Horse Racing Stable Expresses Gratitude to Media Following Reconstruction Journey

Horse racing stables serve as the breeding grounds for the adrenaline rush that captivates equestrian enthusiasts. In Central Kentucky, a renowned farm met its end last year as its owner said goodbye to his horses. After lying dormant for a period, the farm found new life when an equestrian couple saw its potential.

A retired attorney, Dana Bernhard, has been a horse rider for her life. Along with her husband, she has owned a Grade 1 winner as well and has now recently decided to rebuild the vacant stable in Kentucky.

Horse racing stable expresses gratitude

Pin Oak Stand is an esteemed horse racing stable. It was founded and owned by Josephine Abercrombie. Following his death, his horses were dispersed and the farm became vacant. After seeing its worth, the Bernhard couple decided to buy the stable in 2022. Following the reconstruction, the farm has now expressed gratitude.

In an interview with Horse Racing Nation, Pin Oak Stand talked about the changes during the Bernhard era. Later, the farm also thanked the media organization for the interview. “We are very excited for the future. Thank you, @HR_Nation, for the interview”, it wrote on Twitter. Along with the property, the Bernhards had also bought the name and blue-and-grey striped silks.

The couple also added an extra 1200 acres to the plot in September, buying it from breeder Adena Springs. Vice president and horse racing manager was appointed while Clifford Barry, who was the farm manager at Pin Oak Stand for 30 years, stayed as an advisor. After a tumultuous year, the prestigious stable has around 100 horses now.

The Bernhards owned quite a few good horses, and one of the best was Geaux Rocket Ride. He was their first racehorse and a successful one at that. The colt went on to win three of his five career starts in a single year. While he finished 2nd behind Arabian Knight in the Pacific Classic (Grade 1), he won the Grade 1 Haskell in stellar fashion.

However, the Geaux Rocket Ride had an unfortunate end. He suffered a fracture in his right front leg while preparing for the Breeders Cup and then didn’t respond to surgery. Bernhard then decided to euthanize him on November 1st this year. In the Pin Oak Stand, they now have 31 broodmares, ‘15-ish weanlings ‘, 25-yearlings, and 15 2-year-olds.

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