Ex-Ferrari CEO Jean Todt recognizes difficulty of remaining atop Formula 1 as new season begins

Ex-Ferrari CEO Jean Todt recognizes difficulty of remaining atop Formula 1 as new season begins

NEW YORK -- With Formula 1 races beginning Sunday, Ferrari is seeking a return to prominence as it aims to field a World Drivers' Champion for the first time since 2007. CBS Sports spoke with Jean Todt, former CEO of Ferrari and long-time president of the FIA, about his hopes for Ferrari and the sport of racing as the season gets underway.

"I tried to be surrounded by the best and all the levels, all the levels from the bottom of the scale to the top of the scale and then tried to be a good leader and try to be an example for that," said Todt, the United Nations Special Envoy for Road Safety, in an exclusive conversation with CBS Sports.  

"When I joined Ferrari, the first of July 1993, it was kind of a damaged icon."

Todt and his team had to rebuild everything after failing to win the championship from 1997-99. The turning point for Ferrari came in 2000 as it as it won six of eight titles, primarily with Michael Schumacher behind the wheel, from 2000-07.

"In a way, that made a nice chapter in the history of motorsports and the history for Ferrari," Todt said.

He added: "When you are in Formula 1, you are in the kind of your little world where, I mean, it's about competition. It's about tough challenges and money."

Asked if new Ferrari chief Fred Vasseur is the right man to lead Ferrari racing giant back to greatness, Todt was hesitant to make a prediction. "Honestly, time will tell -- is the only thing I can say."

"I wish him the best luck, and you know, wish Ferrari the best luck," he continued. "We know that Ferrari need[s to be successful] for Formula 1, not only for them but because Ferrari is the magic name. Magic brand, iconic brand."

On Monday, Charles Leclerc took on the Abu Dhabi Circuit in Schumacher's legendary Ferrari F2002. The team is hoping to return to its winning ways with Leclerc at the helm and a talented team behind him.

Asked about his son, Nicolas, working with Leclerc, Todt says proudly, "Nicolas creates and develops talent."

As for his advice he offers racers?

"Never give up. Always follow what your heart [says] and your brain [creates] the ideas; if you have the right line aligned with integrity, loyalty, you will succeed."

Whether Ferrari will return to its stretch of dominance atop F1 remains to be seen. The Italian manufacturer got off to a rough start in Sunday's opening race, and reclaiming its spot atop the sport remains a tough task given the high level of competition.

"It was very difficult to become dominant," Todt said, "but it was as difficult to remain that way."

Road safety a concern at scale

In his role as U.N. Special Envoy for Road Safety, Todt spoke at the U.N. General Assembly last year, calling global deaths from road crashes around the world "a pandemic that's not been addressed." He said 1.4 million people are killed from road crashes and millions more are injured each year; it remains the leading cause of death for young people aged 15-29.

Sadly, those figures are only rising following the COVID-19 pandemic, he told CBS Sports before speaking at the New York French Founders Club on Thursday."He wants to use his expertise to share what he knows for a global good," said Simone Sfeir, co-general manager of the club.

"In the U.S. -- they published their numbers last week -- there has been an increase of more than 10%," Todt said.