Fitzdares Slashes Guinness Prices for 100th Cheltenham Gold Cup: A Toast to Racegoers
Fitzdares Slashes Guinness Prices for 100th Cheltenham Gold Cup: A Toast to Racegoers

To celebrate the centenary of the Cheltenham Gold Cup, Fitzdares is taking a bold step by offering Guinness at a remarkably low price, diverging from the traditional cost set by the Jockey Club. This move not only commemorates the event but also directly responds to the racegoers' concerns over rising prices.

Striking Contrast in Pricing

Last year, Fitzdares made headlines by launching the world's most expensive pint of Guinness, priced at £20, as a playful jab at the increasing costs faced by festival attendees. This year, in a dramatic pivot, the bookmaker is offering what's been dubbed the 'BPG Pint' at just £3.30, a price reflective of the Gold Cup's start time, available at two exclusive Fitzdares Club locations. This initiative not only undercuts the racecourse's pricing but also brings attention to the affordability of enjoying the races.

Keeping Tradition Alive

The Jockey Club, responsible for Cheltenham Racecourse, has maintained the price of a pint of Guinness at £7.50 for over 18 months, despite significant external pressures. This decision underscores the club's commitment to providing a stable and enjoyable experience for the estimated 220,000 pints of Guinness consumed annually at the festival. However, Fitzdares' innovative pricing strategy introduces a competitive edge, challenging the status quo and offering racegoers an attractive alternative.

Best Price Guaranteed: More Than Just a Bet

Fitzdares CEO, Will Woodhams, emphasizes that the 'Best Price Guaranteed' promise extends beyond the betting odds, applying also to their Guinness offering. This year's pricing strategy is not merely about offering a cheaper pint but is a statement about value, tradition, and the customer experience at one of horse racing's most prestigious events. With extensive preparations in place to cater to the thirst of thousands of attendees, Fitzdares' approach may well set a new precedent for festival promotions.

As the Cheltenham Festival celebrates its 100th Gold Cup, Fitzdares' promotional offer on Guinness serves as a reminder of the event's rich history and its ongoing evolution. While the Jockey Club strives to balance tradition with economic realities, Fitzdares' cheeky undercutting highlights the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the festival scene, ensuring that the spirit of competition extends beyond the racetrack to the very pints in the racegoers' hands.