Hangin’ With Haskin: The Peculiar, Perplexing Pegasus Puzzle

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Hangin’ With Haskin: The Peculiar, Perplexing Pegasus Puzzle

The inaugural Pegasus World Cup Invitational is taking place at Gulfstream Park. It's a great idea for the sport but it's not clear what it actually is. There are still issues to be resolved, like finding three more horses at this late stage. The horse that would have been the perfect choice for Gun Runner is quarantined at Fair Grounds due to an outbreak of equine herpes virus. There's also a question regarding the handle that will be generated. But it might be worth it. With limited attendance at the park and exorbitant prices, it is not your typical event for $2 bettor.

The Pegasus Puzzle race was a success for the fans and the organizers. It brought a rematch of the two best horses in the world.

There are some who think Pegasus has no chance to move forward and generate interest next year. The fans have little interest in any horses other than California Chrome and Arrogate. Those who can afford to attend the elite event will look at it as just that. Original slot holders and the owners of horses with whom they made deals are satisfied with the horses on whom their partners partnered up.

The Pegasus World Cup is taking place on January 28th. The horses are going to be the least competitive. Nine of the 12 slot holders are probably going lose a lot of money. The owners invested in the sport in a different way than most. If every owner had shunned Stronach's idea, there would be no Pegasus. There would also be a wide-open edition of Donn Handicap. It would have no star power and little interest. it would not serve anyone’s purpose to see California Chrome and Arrogate again finish a sixteenth of a mile ahead of everyone else.