How to Bet on the UFC

Philadelphia Sports Nation
The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is a thrilling combat sport that features fighters from all over the world competing in mixed martial arts (MMA).
Due to its popularity, betting on the UFC has become a more frequent practice.

If you are interested in betting on the UFC and want to learn more about it, this extensive guide will give you a better understanding of the processes involved.

When placing a bet on UFC, it’s important to remember that there are various factors to consider.

Knowing and understanding the different betting odds, as well as the fighters’ styles and strategies, can help you make better decisions when wagering on UFC bouts. 

Understanding the Basics of UFC Betting

Before diving into the world of UFC betting, it’s essential to understand some fundamental concepts.

Here are a few key terms to familiarize yourself with:

  1. Moneyline: The moneyline option involves selecting the fighter you think will win a particular match. Both fighters are given odds, with the favorite given a negative (-) number and the underdog a positive (+) number. The odds show the amount you must wager to earn a certain payout. This is the simplest form of betting.
  2. Over/Under: Over/under bets, also called totals, require predicting if the total number of rounds in a fight will be higher or lower than a specific number determined by the bookmaker.
  3. Prop Bets: These bets are based on particular events that occur during a fight, such as predicting the round in which the fight will end, the method of victory (knockout, submission, or decision), or even whether a fighter will successfully execute a particular strike.
  4. Parlays: Parlays are a type of wager multiple bets into one. If you win, your payout potential increases; the risks, however, are also higher since all bets have to be right for your wager to be a success.

Now that you have a basic understanding of UFC betting terminology, let’s explore how to actually place your bets.

Choosing a Reputable Sportsbook

The first step in betting on the UFC is finding a reputable sportsbook. Look for one that has a solid reputation, offers competitive odds, and provides a wide range of betting options. Some popular sportsbooks that offer UFC betting include BetOnline, Bovada, and MyBookie.

Once you’ve chosen your sportsbook, create an account and deposit funds. Most sportsbooks accept various payment methods, such as credit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies. Take advantage of any sign-up bonuses or promotions offered by the sportsbook to maximize your betting potential.

Researching Fights and Fighters

Before placing a bet, it’s crucial to research the fights and fighters thoroughly. Understanding each fighter’s strengths, weaknesses, and fighting styles will help you make informed decisions when placing your bets.

Here are some factors to consider when researching:

  • Fighter Records: Examine each fighter’s win-loss record, focusing on their recent performances. A fighter’s momentum can be a significant factor in their performance.
  • Fighting Styles: Analyze each fighter’s style and how it matches up against their opponent. For example, a strong wrestler may have an advantage over a striker, while a submission specialist might struggle against a powerful striker with excellent takedown defense.
  • Training Camps: Consider where each fighter trains and who their coaches and training partners are. High-quality training camps can make a significant difference in a fighter’s preparation and skill development.
  • Weight Cuts: Investigate how much weight each fighter cuts leading up to the fight. A severe weight cut can negatively impact a fighter’s performance, particularly their cardio and ability to absorb strikes.
  • Injuries: Keep an eye out for any reports of injuries leading up to the fight. An injured fighter may not be able to perform at their best, which could influence the outcome.
  • Motivation: Assess each fighter’s motivation for the fight. A fighter with something to prove or fighting for a title shot may be more motivated than one who’s just collecting a paycheck.

Placing Your Bets

After researching the fights and fighters, it’s time to place your bets.

Here are some tips for making smart wagers:

  • Bet within your means: Set a budget for yourself and stick to it. Betting on the UFC should be fun and exciting, not a source of financial stress.
  • Shop around for the best odds: Different sportsbooks may offer slightly different odds on the same fight. Be sure to compare odds across multiple sportsbooks to ensure you’re getting the best possible value for your bet.
  • Don’t bet with your heart: It can be tempting to bet on your favorite fighter, but this can cloud your judgment. Try to remain objective when placing your bets and focus on the most likely outcomes.
  • Look for value: Sometimes, the betting odds for a fight may not accurately reflect the true probability of each fighter winning. If you believe a fighter has a better chance of winning than the odds suggest, this could be a valuable betting opportunity.
  • Consider multiple betting options: Don’t limit yourself to just moneyline bets. Explore prop bets and over/under bets to find additional wagering opportunities.
  • Keep track of your bets: Maintain a record of your bets, including the amount wagered, the odds, and the outcome. This will help you analyze your betting performance and make adjustments as needed.


Betting on the UFC can add an extra layer of excitement to an already thrilling sport.

By understanding the basics of UFC betting, choosing a reputable sportsbook, conducting thorough research, and following smart betting strategies, you can increase your chances of success and enjoy the thrill of potentially winning big on fight night.