How to bet teasers

How to bet teasers

The U.S. sports betting industry continues to grow and expand, and new betting options are emerging all of the time. A teaser bet is not a type of bet that is new, but it is one that is starting to get more attention.

A teaser bet is similar to a parlay wager, and there are different legs added to this bet. Beginning sports bettors should not attempt to make a teaser bet until they fully understand how this betting option works.

This guide will help explain what a teaser bet is, and provide some tips and strategies to use when making this wager.

What is a teaser bet?

A teaser bet is simply a form of parlay betting, but bettors are able to make some adjustments to the odds before hitting the submit button. This is a type of bet that focuses on the spread, and therefore it is extremely popular in basketball and football markets.

The spread can be moved by a certain number of points, but that same movement must be applied to all of the teams that are included in the bet. Bettors do have control over choosing the type of teaser they want, but they can't pick and choose on each leg.

With a teaser bet, all of the teams and picks must-win for the bet to be successful.

Some protection when betting parlays

One of the main reasons for making a teaser bet is to provide a bit of insurance when making a parlay wager. Parlay betting continues to be extremely popular, but some bettors are looking to give them a little bit of an advantage when making this type of bet.

By adjusting the spreads of games, bettors now have more control over what they feel will happen. Bookmakers are usually pretty close when setting the traditional spreads, and that is why making a teaser has become so popular.

This doesn't mean that it is an easier bet to make than a straight parlay, but it does take some of the risks out of the process. Of course, this also lowers the potential payout, and that can keep some bettors from making this wager.

Example of a teaser bet

Since teaser bets are typically used in NFL games, let's use the Carolina Panthers and the Green Bay Packers as an example. Let's assume that the Panthers are -3.5 point favorites, and the Green Bay Packers are 2.5-point underdogs.

If we select a six-point teaser, then the line for the Panthers would move to -9.5, and the Packers would be 8.5-point underdogs. Carolina needs to win the game by at least 10 points, and the Packers simply have to keep this within eight points.

You are free to add more bets to your teaser as well, and you can also adjust the lines in the opposite direction. This is where things do get a bit confusing, but the online sportsbooks will help walk you through setting up your teaser bet.

Betting on each individual game would likely come with odds set at -110. Combining two outcomes using a teaser can lead to a bigger payout, especially if you only move the spreads by a few points.

Here is an example of what the payouts might look like when making a teaser bet. It is important to note that these payouts can change at each sportsbook:

Size of teaser

Tease by 6 pointsTease by 6.5 points

Tease by 7 points

Two teams-110-125


Three teams+150+130


Four teams+255+235


Pros of betting teasers

Provides some protection over betting parlays

Decreases the overall risk

Bigger payouts than betting single games

Cons of betting teasers

Can be confusing for new or inexperienced bettors

Smaller payouts than making a parlay bet

Tips to use when making a teasers bet

If you still don't understand how to bet teasers, then hopefully, some of these tips will provide some additional insight. There is a reason that this betting option has become popular as this is a betting type that can lead to a big payout.

Building the perfect teaser bet is not an easy task, but following these simple tips can help you become more successful.

Combine favorites and underdogs

Teaser bets are extremely popular when it comes to the NFL, and this is a sport that routinely sees upsets. If you are going to put together a teaser bet, then you need to look at both favorites and underdogs when doing so.

Just because you are moving the line by a certain number of points doesn't mean that you should always be focused on the team that you think will win. Move the line with the teaser you have used, and give a second look to betting on an underdog.

This doesn't mean that you always have to include both favorites and underdogs in your teaser, but it's a sound strategy to use.

Look for the best lines

Before you even begin building up your teaser, I bet you need to shop around at different online sportsbooks. This is always something that you should do, but finding the best lines could make a huge difference when putting together a teaser bet.

Finding a starting betting line of -3 can be much better than finding that same team listed at -4. You are always looking for any and every edge when it comes to betting on sports in general, but especially when making a teaser bet.

Limit the number of legs

There is a strong temptation to see how big of a teaser bet you can win, but that is not a good betting strategy to use. If you are going to become someone that wins teaser bets, then you have to know when you have reached your limit.

This is a similar betting strategy that should be used when betting parlays, and this is a similar style of bet. Winning a three-team teaser is always better than losing a six-team teaser because you were looking to have a massive payout.