‘I Could Beat Rafa’- Majestic Wins Fuel Carlos Alcaraz to Issue a Strong Statement About His ‘Idol’ Ahead of the 2023 French Open

Essentially Sports
‘I Could Beat Rafa’- Majestic Wins Fuel Carlos Alcaraz to Issue a Strong Statement About His ‘Idol’ Ahead of the 2023 French Open

In a stunning prediction leading up to the 2023 French Open, the 19-year-old tennis ace has stunned fans with his latest interview. Carlos Alcaraz has declared his capability to overcome his icon, Rafael Nadal, on the clay courts of Roland Garros. This bold proclamation is rooted in Alcaraz’s string of remarkable achievements on the ATP Tour. The win also includes his triumph over Nadal in Madrid in 2022. He also earned a spot in the semifinals of the Indian Wells Masters earlier same year. However, the young star was unfortunately defeated by the Spanish titan.

In an exclusive interview, Alcaraz boldly shared that he embraces the challenge of playing against Nadal. He confidently conveyed his drive to compete at the top level. The young ace also added his anticipation to face off against the world’s best player.

Carlos Alcaraz voices his praise for the Spaniard GOAT Rafael Nadal

Carlos Alcaraz was a huge fan of Nadal and looked up to him as a role model. He would watch Nadal’s matches on TV and dream of one day playing against him. As Alcaraz’s tennis career began to take off, he got the opportunity to meet his idol in person. Nadal was impressed with Alcaraz’s talent and dedication to the sport, and the two quickly developed a close bond. Nadal has often, offered him advice on his game and helping him to stay focused on his goals. Alcaraz has spoken openly about the influence Nadal has had on his career. The tennis ace has learned a lot from the way Nadal approaches the game both on and off the court.

In the interview, a journo asked him whether he would like to beat the Spaniard GOAT at Roland Garros. An ecstatic Alcaraz replied,” Obviously. I have always said that I like to play against the best and Nadal is one of the best in history, there is no doubt about it. His tournament is Roland Garros, he has more titles, but this is the most symbolic for him.”

The young ace also shared,” I would love to play him at Roland Garros, take on him, and see what happens. I think he could beat him, but Rafa has a thousand lives there. I could beat Rafa in Paris, but I also know that he has 1,000 lives there.”

Despite their competitive rivalry, Alcaraz and Nadal remain close friends off the court. Alcaraz has said that he looks up to Nadal not just for his tennis skills, but also for his humility and sportsmanship. As Alcaraz prepares to compete at the 2023 French Open, he will undoubtedly draw on the lessons he has learned from his idol as he strives to reach new heights in his career. And whether he wins or loses, he can always count on Nadal to be there to offer him support and encouragement.

Alcaraz once shared the lessons he learned from his Spaniard idol

At a press conference, Alcaraz once mentioned Nadal’s concentration as a crucial quality to learn from him. He stated that instead of solely focusing on hitting the ball harder, Nadal’s concentration from the first ball to the last ball is something worth adopting. Alcaraz’s first Grand Slam match was a success, winning the match in three sets. Furthermore, he became one of the youngest Spanish players to achieve this feat.