‘It’s pretty unreal’: Clipperton chases perfect 10 on Think About It

The Sydney Morning Herald
‘It’s pretty unreal’: Clipperton chases perfect 10 on Think About It

There are races that jockeys and trainers dream about, but ultimately they dream about finding that champion horse. This time last year, Sam Clipperton and Joe Pride were focused on the dream race of the Melbourne Cup but didn’t know what was just around the corner.

Stockman took the pair to Flemington on the first Tuesday in November last year, but much has changed since as The Everest winner Think About It has taken them to another level in 2023.

“The Melbourne Cup is one of those races that you have wanted to be a part of before you were part of the industry,” Pride said. “You remember your first Golden Slipper runner, and Stockman will always be my first Cup runner, which was quite an achievement. But you want a Think About It.”

Stockman ran in last year’s Rosehill Gold Cup before finishing in the first half of the Melbourne Cup field with Clipperton in the saddle, and he rides him in the same race on Saturday.

“It is funny to have him back here this year in the same race, but he is not the focus now that he was last year,” he said.

The focus these days is Think About It, which will run for $4.1million in prizemoney and is in the Giga Kick Stakes. But he is still the new boy in town.

“A year ago, I hadn’t even sat on him. It’s pretty wild. If we’ve done what we’ve done over a two-year period it would be good. It’s pretty unreal,” Clipperton said.

Think It About has won nine from nine this year to become the horse Clipperton has had the most wins on in his career.

He took over from Mazu, which Clipperton rode in the equivalent race last year, and Peeping, another group 1 winner, which he both won on six times. Stockman has given him five wins.

The association of Clipperton, Pride and Think About It has become one of the most talked about in Australian racing and will carry the majority of punters’ money tomorrow. Pride thought it was a good day when Private Eye galloped away with this race last year and Stockman readied himself for the two miles at Flemington.

“It’s strange we have both of them back at Rosehill” Pride said. “Stockman is going well but needs some rain, and Private Eye will be hard to beat again. But they are definitely not the main act.

“We didn’t know how good Think About It was 12 months ago. We knew he had potential, but it has been a great ride with him and it hasn’t stopped yet.”

After The Everest, Think About It is getting the recognition he deserves as a $1.80 favourite in front of Private Eye at $3.80 for the step up to 1300 metres, a trip that should suit Think About It better.

“You always respect the opposition, and the confidence I have is not that he will beat the opposition but in the horse himself,” Clipperton said. “I’m confident in the horse’s ability to find ways to adapt to situations and adapt to different scenarios in front of him, and I know how many gears he’s got. Add his brain to find ways to win, that gives me so much confidence that I can go out and enjoy him.”

Think About It will be Clipperton’s first ride for the afternoon at Rosehill, where he only has three rides. Other than his two old favourites, the 29-year-old rides Ruthless Dame in the Golden Eagle after finishing runner-up to Espiona in The Invitation last week.

Ruthless Dame has been building in her spring preparation but will face a task from the outside barrier of 20 in the Golden Eagle.

“You’d have to think she can measure up against her own age after last week,” Clipperton said. “She is a group 1 winner and I think the 1500m could be her best trip.